I went back to addiction

used and had sex again. Im overwhelemed at work and everyting else. How do u prevent relapse when these are your feelings?

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You have to ask yourself why do you keep relapsing? I know I’ve had to ask myself that hundreds of times. Sucks. You can do it. Stay distracted on something else?

I’ve been very emotional lately and wanting to drink. But I remember how far ive come. I also have a paper in my wallet reminding me the good of being sober and the bad of drinking.


I understand 100%. Emotions get the best of us and bring out the worst.

I like that suggestion ty. I’m going to give it a go.

Why do you want to be sober? What are you willing to do to be sober?

Sobriety isn’t easy, if it was easy this app wouldn’t exist, drug courts would exist, addiction counseling wouldn’t exist, AA wouldn’t exist.

And there’s no instant gratification in early sobriety, nothing near getting that quit fix that you actually abhor.

So I ask again, what are you willing to do to get sober?

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