Ideas and tips

Looking for ways to help me fight my cravings and to help me through withdrawal. Any tips?

I’ve been drinking those seltzer waters a lot. It breaks up the boredom of just drinking water and it’s something carbonated so it’s a little more…”interesting” than just regular water haha.
I’ve found there are a lot of flavors and they all have zero calories so it’s not bad for you either.
Plus if you’re with other people you can pour it in a glass and it’s less awkward than walking around empty handed having everyone offering you alcohol.
It’s also hydrating since it’s just straight water, which will help with your withdrawal somewhat.

Magnifying glass up top.

Reading the myriads of answers already existing to these questions is actually in itself a great way to distract yourself from cravings! Stay strong!


Think of the shame, the pain, the self-hatred and the disgust of when you relapse. Think of everything you could lose if you relapse. From your name I suppose you’re a mom. I don’t know your situation with your kids, but I don’t think they love you for abusing, think about how it will make them feel.
Find something to distract yourself. This could be anything, from going for a walk to laundry to reading. Anything that can help you get your mind of using

if you think withdrawal is going to kick your butt you might want to consider a medical detox. for at home, stock up on seltzer, ice cream, quick delicious foods (worry about calories/weight gain later). keep your mouth busy with those. make a solid routine from morning to night and do the 90 in 90 meetings. you can do this! don’t forget that! :heart:

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I actually just picked up a case of seltzer water. A friend of mine also said to try making my own infused water. Found some recipes to try and am kind of excited about trying them. Plus, doing the prep work will help keep me busy.

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Oh that’s a good idea, I didn’t know you could do that. I hope it helps!