Identified a trigger- the Witching Hour

I’ve identified one of my triggers…
The afternoon/evening rush!
Leave work, pick up the kids, dinner, baths, homework, organising for the next day…
all with a clinging, crying toddler in tow and a question-filled 7 year old demanding my attention.
I get so overwhelmed, frustrated and grumpy! Last night during the chaos was the first time I really wanted a wine in my 10 days of sobriety.
My husband helps when he is home… however I still just feel BLAH this time of the day! Maybe it’s just breaking the habit of having a wine in hand whilst I’m completing these tasks…
any insight/advice to help me through the witching hour?


I almost always hit a meeting between 5-8 pm. Seems to center me the rest of the evening. I also like hitting early meetings as well. Makes the rest of my day so much better. I’m over a year sober and still hit at least 10 meetings a week. I call my sponsor pretty much daily and we do step work at least weekly.

I also have a pregnant girlfriend and take care of a 1 year old and have a full time job. My life is too full and too fun to think about a drink.


Yes, I am familiar with stress of the switch between work and home, especially with kids. What I used to do when I was really struggling with that was, when I got home, I would demand 10 full minutes to just sit on the couch and do nothing and calmly transition into being at home. I got my kids used to the idea and they would oblige by leaving me alone for the 10 minutes, which was awesome.


That’s a lot to handle! My suggestion, don’t try to rush through that time to get to the point where you can relax. Just take things slower, be more present and try to enjoy that part of the day more.


I remember this with my mom. We were not to bother her when she got home until she had twenty minutes to herself. Whatever we asked then, the answer was automatically no and we were sent to our room for an hour. It stuck fast.

Looking back, we were all the better for it! :no_mouth:


Wow this is a great strategy! I’m going to try it with my boys.


Her formal cue was “once I’ve sat long enough to finish half a cup of coffee.” There were days she really milked that coffee… :rofl:


Haha sounds like me and your mom have a lot in common with that one :sweat_smile:


I was going to suggest trying meditation - which is really just the same idea as what people have said above. Taking 10 minutes just to stop and not be busy.

Some links here if you need some inspiration to get started:


If you are busy with life obligations, I put myself as a calendar reminder, basically making an appointment with myself. This blocks out the time like all of the obligations, but after everyone is fed and asleep, my calendar pops up that this time belongs to me. Easy stretches, calling a friend, watching a movie or reading a book- there a million things that I could wish to do and I pick only that “witching hour” to do it. It makes those activities more focused and fun and not have the urge to have a drink.

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This is exactly the time I start to struggle. After a long day at work, then I get home and I’m confronted with a longer evening dealing with cooking, cleaning and just making sure everyone is taken care of. The first thing I want to do is pop open a bottle of wine,which very quickly leads to too much and then I’m not remembering anything…I feel like most people struggle during the weekends, but I’m definitely on the week days… Hugs mama, I totally understand…I’m not letting myself go to the store after work and as soon as I get home I make myself open a can of sparkling water before I get swept up into the chaos. It does help a little.


I did the same thing I’m a single dad though. But my drug of choice was 12oz can. I’m 8 days 11 hours sober it’s really good to find people that relate to the same things I’m going through. Keep up the good fight you got this


We have been sober pretty much the same time @My_new_life :grinning:
Yes so good to find people that have the same challenges.
You got this too :facepunch:t3: