If at first if you don't succeed


Cheers on that!!! here’s to the next 24


Thank you for sharing @Naturehippy thats some empowerring stuff you wrote :slight_smile: i do appreciate it very much. Yeah we are lucky to have this, im thankful and humble so many People caring and Tons of help , advices. I are agreed life is magical if we let it . Babysteps are a good way to do this. Stay motivated be kind to yourself , fingers crossed for another 24 hours


Thank you so very much. I’ve saved your words on my heart as inspiration to keep sharing my thoughts. Since they are my thoughts I think they are inconsequential and usually just a bunch of rhetoric. Thank you for the positive feedback.

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Your toughts are your own and you own that. Its a powerful thing. Do whats best for you .be the boss of your life. Wish next 24hours sobrierty . We fight, we break and we continue , embrase life

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