If you are dealing with depression and anxiety with no health insurance

If you are dealing with anxiety and depression, especially after cutting out your addiction but cannot see a doctor for meds, then this is for you. I am on anti-depressants and anxiety meds, but I also tried some amino acids that I researched and they worked wonders. For anxiety, try L-Theanine. For motivation issues and depression, try L-Tyrosine. These are Amino acids so you there are no side effects, and you cannot take too much of it. So I would recommend getting them and taking as much as you need to feel the effects. There are no negative side affects. I have both researched and take these now. They work wonders. If you cannot find them at your grocery story, then a Vitamin shop or GNC have them. Each bottle is around $7 or so, so if it is affordable. It works for me and I hope it will work for you.

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Amino Acids are great. I personally started 5-HTP about a month ago. Its changed my life. My depression is gone. It’s balanced my hormones, helped with carb, sugar and alcohol cravings, took my pms away :smile: Cured my anxiety. It’s been a miracle for me. I take no medications besides the 5-HTP and Multi Vitamin. It took about 8 days to get the full benefit. Taking 50mg 3 times a day.

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I also take 5htp to, just another amino acid for mood. Love it

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