"If you prefer a short life of tragic glamour or.."

One huge thing for me in sobriety is reclaiming my creativity back.I bought this book weeks ago and am finally reading it.Im going to share something that maybe some of you creative people may or may not like but its really inspiring to me. I summerized rather than copied this important part of the book for you guys.

The book is called “BIG MAGIC creative living beyond fear” and Its one of the most inspiring books Ive ever read.It talks about the Tormented Artist.Who chooses to live a life drinking as much as possible, sabotaging all relationships they have, wrestling against themself never winning, always dissatisfied with their work, jealous, claiming to be cursed not blessed by these talents, being arrogant in successfulness and selfpitying in failure.
She says if you prefer a short life of tragic glamour, be her guest.
Then goes on to say
OR you can get rid of any obstacles preventing you from living the most creative life you can by believing whats bad for you is bad for your work.Lay off the booze, so you can think sharper. Keep healthy relationships so you arent distracted by emotional catastrophes. Giving yourself the ability to be pleased sometimes with your creations.Know that you are not a slave to inspiration but a partner working towards a life of more intriguing and worthwhile things.Living a life thats charmed, interesting, and passionate.

These are all the things I was and then all the things I want to be. This will be the year I get my creative living back. :purple_heart:


Another great book on creativity and learning about yourself is The Artists Way by Julia Cameron. There is a series of books that come after it that would keep you busy. They were life changing for me.

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Thank you!Ill look into them when im done with this one. :blush: @Melrm