I'm 18 days sober!

I never thought I’d get out of the grips of heroin. I was using up to 10 times a day, at the end, at my worst. I needed it the moment I woke up and chased that morning rush all day long, to no avail. All of my money and attention went to supplying my next hit. It was everything to me, and I couldn’t face myself in the mirror. I was in the ER several times, sure I was going to die, yet, the moment I returned home, it was back to the spoon. My life was in shambles, and I’m slowly building it back up out of the dust. Thanks to this app and forum, and my very best friend and husband, I can now proudly say that I’ve been sober for 2.5 weeks! It may not be months or even years, but I have taken the first steps to getting clean. I never thought I could walk away, not like this. I moved out of my former drug den, away from all the users I lived with, and it made this transition so much easier. The temptation is far away now, but I’d be lying if I said it was gone. I get bad cravings that overshadow the reality of my addiction. I become convinced that “just one hit” wouldn’t be so bad, that it would be just enough to lift this post-addiction depression, but I know the truth. “Once is too much, and a thousand is never enough.” I was told that at an NA meeting, and it is so true. If I slipped now, there would be no coming back. I would fall hard, back to where I started. I am determined to get through this lull and apathy. How long is this post-addiction emotional trouble going to last?


Congratulations @Jasmlpr you are a Fighter. Im very glad u made your choise :slight_smile: and i want to thank u too With your story. I have been sober and clean for 602days still i find help in you and all of you . U take the first steps and im Proud of you :slight_smile: Be kind to your self, stay honest and stay sober. Be proud .!!! Keep up the good work that you do

And all of thoose emotinal things you need to talk about that .With somebody u trust. Like a mentor . The shame will go away i promise