Im new and ready

Been drinking since I was 13. I am now 47. I am tired of hangovers, regrets, fights, spending too much money, disappointing my family etc. I am a “regular” at a local bar and I used to believe they were my friends. Nope, just drunks that need other drunks. I have to let go of that bar and the people in it. This is going to be really hard. Drinking has always been my entertainment, wether I’m happy, sad, angry or there’s a birthday or holiday… ANY excuse!! Wish me luck and I am proud of each and every one of you on here. We got this!!


Welcome Baylee97, hope you are having a good Christmas? We’re all doing really well on here whether that be staying sober or admiting that we have given in to temptation and are taking really good learning from it! I can’t remember which wonderful person on here came up with a Harry Potter/Hogwarts house for us or how to spell it correctly but welcome to Soberin :slight_smile: Whether the dark art you are fighting is alcohol, porn, pulling out hair, drugs and so forth, we are all here to help each other :slight_smile:


You got this. Have a plan and stick to it. Get to meetings. Find sober buddies. Learn your triggers and how to cope with them by not drinking. Don’t ever stop talking to people. You don’t have to suffer in silence.


Soberin, that’s awesome, I didn’t know that! Lol

And welcome @Baylee97! I just joined this month and the support is awesome. I find myself on here several times a day taking inspiration from others stories, tips and even relapses. I’ve learned so much already. :smile:

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Welcome @Baylee97 and @Mud. You found yourselves an incredible sober support system. We’re friendly and joke around…some of us are knowledgeable in certain areas (meditation: @Oliverjava) (vitamins: @Leigh) but we all share a common bond…to not use/drink and get better. If you’re looking for certain topics, click the magnifying glass and do a search (ex: tips ) If you need help with anything, let us know.