I'm not drinking today!


Difference this time is that I’m happy even though I’m withdrawing so hard. Happy not to be drinking/putting it off. Every other time I was miserable.

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You’ve got this @Bubonicphoniks. We are all here to support each other. I’m glad you keep posting about how your doing. Reminds me of my first few days. You can do this. You are doing this.


I totally get what you’re saying I’ve had booze in the fridge left over from the night before and had it for breakfast,told myself don’t like wasting Money. I’ve had to start again - day 1 again today. Had 5 days then drank on weds and Thurs. Hate myself right now. Why do we do it? I knew I should of came on here and try to let the craving pass but here I am again - stupid.

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Glad youre back and still fighting it! Do you know what happened that madw you drink so you can do something different this week?

I just craved it. It came out of nowhere, it’s always the same.

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Are you working any sort of program yet love? Just putting down the drink is really a small small portion of the battle. The key to success lies in changing ourselves inside-finding healthy coping mechanisms for turbulent times, recognizing patterns so we can do something different, refocusing our energy on other good things we want for ourselves, getting to the bottom of why it is we are drinking etc.


That’s the bit I’m missing. I can’t do AA I have posted a few comments on here as to why I can’t do it. I did counselling for 3 years, so I should really be over it.

In my experience, we don’t really get “over it”, we just learn different ways to deal with it and cope. Have you considered SMART meetings online? Do you think those would be an issue like AA is for you? When you went to counseling, was it treating alcohol addiction?

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I have done face to face smart meetings before but not online. I did counselling for 3 years and covered lots of things it wasn’t specifically for alcohol but alcohol often came up. I have emotionally unstable personality disorder and PTSD and depression so they don’t help…but then again drinking don’t help them.

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Maybe try the online SMART meetings or even in person and see if it helps? Nothing changes if nothing changes so finding a way to do something differently will help yield different results. :heart: Do you think maybe restarting counseling would be good? I just started 3 weeks ago with a counselor that had addiction backgrounds as well and man, it’s helping me a lot! I really hope you find what you need love but please don’t give up!

I’m not drinking today either and tomorrow neither. Already in bed night night


I’m not giving up. I kind of feel all counselled up if you know what I mean, and it often makes me worse for a while its like opening up a can of worms, plus just can’t afford it right now. The online meetings my be something to think about. Didn’t know they did them online. I hope you are finding your counselling helpful. Thanks for the support. :grinning:

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I’m out of likes but I’m glad you’re here & I do understand. :heart:

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Thanks. I’m looking at SMART online meetings now. :heart:

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I liken my drinking days to playing dice. You need to roll 4 dice and get 4 6s to have a great time. Everything else is a bad time.

You remember the time you rolled 4 6s and keep kidding yourself that you can do it again. After a while I realised that the odds make the game not worth playing.

Maybe other people were lucky and only needed one dice and an even number. Not me. Most times were bad times.

If you’re struggling with cravings or temptation, give yourself something else. Chocolate, pizza, download the latest pay per view blockbuster and grap a big bag of popcorn. Anything else.

And remember the odds.


What about the odds specifically?

Woke up with those night sweats. Got about an hour of sleep arm pain is too much. Still havent eaten more than a few bites of food in days. My stomach has serious issues.

I need to make it through this detox. Afterward I’m going to get back in the rooms. Tomorrow I will post again.

It’s crazy how fast I got here. Just over a week ago I was coming off 2 weeks of sobriety. I cant believe how bad this detox is after only a week. Alcohol didnt add anything to my week except this misery. Missing money. Not knowing what I did. It all started with a beer.


Yes I can relate to all of that.

It really gets worse every time you relapse too. This stuff kills, try to learn from it and do something different. This can be the last day you ever have to feel like this because of a beverage!

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Yeah. So true. I’ve had to go through this so many times it’s scary how “good” I’ve gotten at withdrawing. The symptoms are all there. They all suck. Mentally however I know in a few days it will clear up if I dont drink…and I’m not going to today.

I’ve found too that it takes less and less to knock me out in bed cross eyed writhing with anxiety lol. I must have drank about 30 waters today…and I dont like where the road goes if I keep drinking.

Because of a beverage Haha you’re so right. I had about 7 months a few years ago. It’s funny once I got to a certain point i would watch my friends drink and it was so confusing to me how anyone could drink so many beverages/something that made them wake up miserable. Yet fast forward and I forgot all I learned and then some! I think it finally clicked for me that it all starts with the one.

Not having “just the one”. Not today. Everyones posts have helped!


I’m not drinking today either! Happy for everyone one here choosing their life over the drink.