I'm pretty excited!

Hey everyone :blush:
So a couple days ago I posted about being back, and I’m on day 6 today. And I just hit a huge milestone in my own personal recovery and I’m so excited I wanted to share. So years ago when I was using meth, I had been in and out of jail and went to rehab a few times and so I know about AA, but I’ve never really liked it. Well I quit using meth on my own, so I figured I could do anything on my own right? Wrong. I quit slamming but I started drinking. So I wasn’t clean. Whether your an addict or an alcoholic, it all comes down to terminology really. Because the truth is your using something to blur your reality so it’s just an addiction no matter the substance. Preaching to the choir right, but this is something I needed to come to terms with. And in doing so I’ve realized I obviously cannot do it on my own.
So a year ago here I had heard a lot about women for sobriety, but I didn’t need a program then lol. Anyways, my thought process this time around has changed. I’ve accepted what I need and what I am and I’ve reached out. I just ordered the women for sobriety starter guide and I’m going to start working the new life program and I am so excited. I also ordered this naked mind, I read Drinking: A Love story, and loved it so I’m trying to keep my down time busy by reading things to inspire me and remind me this is right. And I’m not alone!
I had a moment of gratitude driving the other day that almost made me cry. I was on day 4 and finally getting over the sickness and shame of my last binge and all of a sudden I felt so thankful for my journey this far. So much of the time we get angry at the wasted years and the failed attempts but in that moment I was thankful, because it brought my mindset to where it is now, where it needs to be for me to finally change. And I was just so glad.
So I know this is long, thanks for reading, but I’m just so excited to work on me, become me fully, and continue to be better❤
Happy Saturday!


Absolutely amazing!!! My path is very similar… Sometimes I get a little tired, sad and discouraged… I love your enthusiasm!!! It makes me without a doubt KNOW just by what you wrote how far that I too have come… Thank you so much for sharing this!!! :blush::100:


Thankyou! I have negativity and thoughts that creep in my mind but I’m trying to speak positivity and maintain that in my mind to retrain my thoughts. I am trying to be in control and not let those thoughts over crowd the truth that I know…if that makes sense?! Lol


Absolutely does and yesterday I was so tired and discouraged on how I was gonna fix this issue I just had to go to sleep and give myself some rest… Best thing that I could have done… Today is so much better!!! :grin:

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Congratulations, I am so happy for you. From experience I know that getting your own head around your addiction is the first step to successful recovery!


This is really inspiring to read. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your positivity. :heart::purple_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart:


I really am trying to be more open and not ashamed about it these days. I feel like hiding about it is also kind of like an insurance policy for me, because if I relapse, no one can give me that judgement cuz they didn’t even know I was trying. But I’m not scared of that anymore. Am I going totally public, no. But for the first time I’ve been completely transparent with my husband and I’m trying to open up and make more connections in communities like this.


Those are great steps. Do what feels right and comfortable for your self and your process.


Right on sister in sobriety! :unicorn: