I'm quitting smoking tonight!

SO the time has finally come. I QUIT smoking for a whole year then in my last relapse started up again and it has been ruining my peace of mind, it’s been much harder to stop this time around, no idea why but okay. This is the last nail in the coffin for this addiction part of my life and I’m ready to hammer the thing in there. I want to move on to a place of health and peace of mind I’ve never had before. So i’m putting my foot down! Smoking my last one before I go to bed then make that vow to never pick up another one. If anyone want’s to be my an acountabilibuddy let me know haha! wish me luck :stuck_out_tongue:


You can do it! Good luck stay strong! Smoking is stinky anyway

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Try and associate smoking with anything vile. Trick your brain and keep telling it. What’s your trigger for smoking? Is it when you put it to your lips and breathe deep? Meditate with 5 big deep breaths and relish the air so crisp and clear.

Is it the nicotine? Get thee the patch or something to help. I hear it’s harder to quit that heroin. Cigarettes suck.
The life out of you.
You’ve come so far.

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Thanks for support and great advice!!! So far so good :slight_smile: just survived the first craving let’s see how the rest of day goes I’ll keep y’all posted, cheers

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Are you still smoke free?

Best of luck!! You sound commuted and determined , I’m sure you will do great :slight_smile:

I quit not long ago also! Wanted to recomend an app called NOMO it’s a sobriety app, but what I like is that it allows you to:
use more than one clock,

find accountability partners and share your clock with clocks with them,

it had little stress relief games built in that you can play to distract you during a craving ( like popping bubbles etc !)

And they give you milestone chips

Unfortunately it’s not very active socially but if you hVe people from here you want to be able to message more easily you can suggest the app to them and add them as accountability partners.

I find using this one and NOMO really helpful

Congrats On this decision! :hugs: if you end up trying out the app add means we can share clocks / add each other as accountability partners.

That’s awesome! I wish I could, but I think I should wait a while since I just quit my heavy drinking. Maybe in a couple weeks I’ll be quitting too! Goodluck :grinning: you can do it!

Yeah, don’t overwelmed yourself with big changes at once. I’m going to try a new change every 30 days unless I get to feeling overwelmed…I’ll go slower. Sobriety comes before anything else.