New title: Checking in here when I need to vent or need advice

Huh. Weird. How do they do that though? Like what are the techniques?
I’m just interested cause I’ve been at like 30 different doctors in the last 3 months lol.

Chiropractors adjust the joints of your body by applying specific pressure to mobilize them. Kind of like how your friends pop your back or you crack your neck, except i actually know what I’m doing.

That is some great advice right there!

Huh. Cool. My physical therapist is trying to stop them from mobilizing lol😆. I find it weird, but I guess they know what they’re doing? I hope😀

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Thanks!:blush: I try. I sometimes realise how much nicer I am to other people than myself and I realise the good stuff I tell them(like that great quote up there) and I realise I need to at least try to think that about myself.

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The mobilizing isnt necessarily the problem in all cases. You have have hypermobility in one segment and hypomobility the the adjacent one.

Huh. Funky. Is hypo less than mobile?

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Ughhh. I think I’m having some sort of reaction to my moisturiser. I’m both itchy and in pain. I’m gonna try washing it off and see if that helps. And my back’s hurting way more than normal. I just realised yesterday it might be worse cause of my period. Also my teachers still a jerk. Oof. But hey, I’m alive and haven’t cut in 282 days. Every now and then I realise how crazy it is that I’m still alive. I think I just have to hold on to that and remember to try and appreciate everything I can and all the good things I’m up to.

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Yeah. Hypo means less and hyper would mean more. Typical instability has both of these issues within joints.

It is so much easier to be kind to other people. I am learning the importance of self care, although I find it hard to practice consistently I am trying to keep coming back to habits that make me feel good. Progress, not perfection!

282 days is AMAZING. What an achievement :clap: :clap: :clap: Tell me what other good things you’re up to!

Huh. Funky. I have no idea if I have hypo or not. But who knows? I have to make more appointments with my PT. Oof. I hate calling.

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It so is. Same. I’m especially working on validating my emotions. Progress is always the goal.

Thank you! I’m really proud. It’s been hard but great. I’m writing some music, I’m working on doing better in school. I’m working on opening up more to my therapists and friends. When I go to college, I am going totell my family and friends about what happened with the two jerks. That’s part of why I want to stay near home for college- to keep my treatment team. That’s the future though. Now, I am working on oral health and going to the gym. Yeah. So I’m working hard and it’s helping.

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Ughhh. I keep getting nauseous every time I try to eat. Especially in school. And I have no idea why. Might be anxiety or being self conscious. Idk. Ughhh.

95% of the time for me when that happens it’s anxiety-related. Not fun. Hope it improves for you :confused:

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This is so fantastic! You’re working hard and it’s paying off, and you’re getting to enjoy some of the benefits! I’m happy for you, keep it up! All this at 282 days, imagine how good and exciting life will look like at a year and two years at this rate! :exploding_head:

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Lots of good stuff going on there! :grin:

Have you found any new foods you like lately?

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Yeah, same. That’s what I think it was. It’s been better the past few days. We’ll see.

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Yeah, mostly. Not doing great in school, but I’m working on it.
Yeah, I’m doing so much better. That’s so true. I can’t even imagine! We’ll all just have to wait and see I guess😆

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Not really. I really like milkshakes and smoothies though. And I found peaches last weekend in the store, which I almost never find, and I just finished them today. I’m trying to add green yogurt to my smoothies to give them some protein and stuff. So yeah. A few little food things. But yeah.

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I hate how I hate my body. If that makes sense? I go to the gym almost every single day for like 1.5-2 hours. I eat fairly healthy. I don’t understand why I look like this. I’m way overweight and it stresses me out and idk. I’m working on this but it’s really hard. Idk. I know it takes time, but it’s just really frustrating.

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