New title: Checking in here when I need to vent or need advice

It’s hard to talk about difficult things. I think we’re so conditioned to put a brave face on things that to put ourselves in a position where we show our weaknesses is tough.

Let us know once you’ve sent the email!

Yeah, exactly. I’ve spent so so long trying to hide my feelings. Yeah. I’m gonna try to send it this weekend. Idk. It’s nerve-wracking.

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See how you get on, you can only do your best!


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Yeah, that’s true. I’m gonna try. It’s just really hard cause I know I’ll have to talk about it, which is like close to impossible for me.

Ughhh. My abdomen hurts. It hurt on Friday and then not on Saturday and it did hurt yesterday. Idk about today yet. Idk. Ugh. It’s annoying. It’s half stabby and half a feeling like I have gas or something. It’s annoying. And moderately painful. So yeah. It’s weird. Plus, it’s like the bottom and the left of my torso, so I don’t thing it has to do with my stomach, so idk. It’s just annoying and I wanted to share that lol😆

Heyo. I’m pretty stressed about our GSA event next week. I have to ask our advisor to email a music teacher to ask about a sound system and a piano. And did I mention the event is next week? Yeah. I’m freaking out. So yep. But hey, it’ll be a fun event.

What’s GSA? Something music related… That’s all I got :joy:

How’s your abdomen pain?

It’s the Gay Straight Alliance at my school.
My pain is better. But not gone. But it’s off and on, so we’ll see.

Oof. Been having bad reflux all week. Ughhh.

I’ve been thinking some recently about what counts as a relapse. Is it cutting once? One incident of scratching? Do I have to be consciously doing it and aware of the self harm it’s implementing? Is it if it’s more than once? Idk. Just been thinking. And I think it had to be a conscious attempt to harm myself, but idk. And idk why it’s been on my mind recently.

Mate I’m so sorry I thought I responded to this. I hope you are ok :heart: How long is it since you last cut now? I ask because milestones can bring up some weird shit. I’m nearly 11 months, so the coming up to a year thing is on my mind I guess, and I had a dream where I had a drink of champagne last night. Just one glass, barely got me tipsy and I was gutted that I had to reset my counter but in my dream I was really thinking about it and whether I wanted to be sober etc. I know that 'just one’s mentality is not helpful - haven’t had a drinking dream for ages. Milestones!

You did tell me before about the GSA, I remember now. When is the event and what are you doing at it? How’s things going apart from that? Catch me up :blush:


@anon51407452, If you highlight the text and then hit “Reply” it should show the text you are replying to. :slight_smile:

@Kakimime1 I hope you are doing well and staying clean from self-harm. Check in with us!

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Tagging works - but won’t reply to a specific text. Like this: See where when I select text, the word “Quote” pops up. That’s the ticket.

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No you don’t. There is no giving up in TS Land.


I’m ok now. It’s been 307 days. Yeah, I realised how long it had been.
Wow. That’s crazy. But good for you to getting up to 11 months!
The event was yesterday and it actually went really well! Stuff is ok, but idk. I’m doing alright.


Yeah. I found all of it both triggering and just really angering. So yeah. Yeah. I’m figuring some stuff out too. It’s just insanely hard for me to actually speak about it.
And yeah, I’m actually doing alright, thank you😊

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I am, thank you. I’m trying to check in, but I’ve been both really tired and really busy. Wonder if there’s a cause and effect lol.

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I feel like I’m gonna throw up.
I had a dream where there was this big party at my house and my old friend Ethan, who I was a jerk to and put all my emotions on, was there. And we talked some and made up and whatever.
But now I have this urge to text him and apologise for being a jerk and for putting all my stuff on him. But I know I shouldn’t cause I felt bad when we were friends, but idk. I miss him. Cause we we’re pretty close.

Please, someone be here. I’m feeling so crappy. And idk what to do. And I feel really bad. And I feel like I’m going to throw up. And I’m tired. And I feel like I lost my friend all over again.

Hey that was good timing for me to check in :blush:

What time is it where you are? Can you go for a walk, play some music, write a song…?

How did the GSA event go - tell me what you did for that