I'm sorta proud of myself today

I just woke up because of a nightmare that was sick real (this happen often when I’m sober btw) but I’m really proud for the fact that at this time I usually just start drinking and get drunk as fast as I can but rn I’m making my breakfast and then I’ll go practice magic and meditation to calm myself down.
That’s a good thing, right?


Damn right that’s a good thing. You can take pride in that, because you’ve changed your ways into the good direction.


Of course it is.
Your sober.


I’m like… Wasting time till I have to cook lunch making soap bubbles :joy:


If it keeps you from using, than that’s the way to go

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This is brilliant news . Your changing your attitude for the better. Have a great soba day x


Don’t be sort of proud BE PROUD :dove::dove::dove::dove:


Nightmares are the worst, and dreams are so much more vivid when you’re sober! For me they are anyway.

Nice job on redirecting that energy :sparkles:

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Yes, this is a very good thing. Learning and doing healthy sober things to cope with what we encounter in life, rather than turning to substances, food, porn, or other addictive, destructive escapism, is a sign of growth. It’s like those first green shoots in spring, after a long winter.

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