Christmas is just around the corner. Im a 33 yr old male and im really really scared. Ive started again so many times. It takes so mich energy to get through the guilt and dissapointment.
Im a highly functioning alcoholic and really want to beat this demon. Its not drinking every night but binge drinking on weekends and now sometimes weeknights sometimes for days.
Im scared for my health. Im scared i will lose my lovely fiance. She is my world
Please please someone tell me they understand and know what im going through. I feel so lonely and defeated.
How on earth will i get through christmas.
Im sorry about this post but im very weak right now and i really dont want to show this vulnerability to my partner.
I guess i just need to know its possible
Oh god
I am a binge drinker. It certainly is tricky to keep under control so I have cut alcohol completely. I am on day 6 now after having a few resets after kick off. You can do this! You deserve better than to feel guilt and shame all the time. Every part of your body will be healthier, your soul will be at peace and you deserve that!
You came to the right place! No one wants to be an alcoholic, I lost almost everything to this demon. You have to be mindful of your emotions, and understand why you are drinking. What emotions are causing you to drink? You relapse because you think that the alcohol is genuinely giving you something you enjoy, maybe it feels like you’re losing a friend when you quit. But that is all just brainwashing that the liquor does. The truth is that sobriety is truly glorious. Waking up everyday, full of energy and sleep is almost a high in itself. Don’t look at the holidays as a test of will look at it as an experience to grow. The people you love will support you. My whole family drinks and the holidays even more so to the point where there are drinking traditions, so I know there might be pressure there. But don’t let stress cause you to drink either. Because drinking will never fix a problem that is causing you stress, it only temporarily numbs it. In fact the more you are sober and the more sleep you get the better you will be equipped to handle stress. Stay diligent, I also recommend meditation to everyone because it had truly helped me change my life for the better. keep a positive state of mind, think can, not maybe. Be strong friend and best of luck with your recovery, if you’re feeling week you always have support on these forums!
I’m 13 days down today but trust me I’ve restarted my clock many of times. I’m
27 and this has been a hard fought battle that I think I’ve finally had enough of. I was sober at one point for 2 years (longest streak I had) about 5 total years of sobriety by choice…I put my then fiancé through the ringer and we had our daughter. I stayed sober a year then went back to binge drinking once my daughter was asleep. I was sick I needed help and we split up 2 1/2 years ago…I never got a second chance. I’m alone and I miss her and my daughter everyday. Reason I tell you this is because you really don’t know what you got till its gone and I wish I could have had the strength to get sober when I had my family. One day at a time and always know it could always be worse. Get to a meeting and grab a sponsor it’s a fight!
ITS POSSIBLE! You’ve come to the right place! My story is extremely similar to yours, except I’m 34 and my weekend binges committed themselves to the weekdays too.
Being sober for one day with the wisdom to know that you need to rely on the support of more then yourself not only says is it possible, but you’ve laid the cornerstone to endless possibilities and an even more beautiful future with your fiancé!
I’m also a binge drinker and highly functioning alcoholic. I’ve ran profitable businesses for over 15 years and somehow still got drunk nearly 7 days a week. Not something I’m proud of. I’ve been married for 16 years and have a 5 year old son. Somehow I’ve kept it together this long. But no more with alcohol my friend. I’ve made my choice. I choose my family and my health. Don’t be scared, you can beat this demon if you really want it!