Sober for 3 days now. I’ve gone longer, but usually due to circumstance and not on purpose. My family drinks heavily and all functions involve alcohol of every kind. If you are not drinking, it’s either because you’re pregnant or there’s something wrong with you…now take a shot. I am afraid to tell my family that I have a problem. I’m so scared to take this path, and yet, I know it’s time. For a good couple of years my drinking has gone from weekends, or social events, to every single day. I find ways to lie and sneak off and go on dates with my best friend (booze). I’ve been in serious denial that I have some level of control over this, and have known for a good part of this year that I need help. I’m meeting up with someone tomorrow who is a recovering alcoholic because I need advice. I plan on starting AA soon and found one within 5 min. of me. I’m amazed I got through this weekend. It was extremely difficult - part of me wanted to wait till after the holidays, but I feel like if I can get through this, I can get through anything.
I’ve never gone to meetings and I would love some advice/support. I downloaded this app for the timer only and was exploring it when I realized there was a forum.
Do you tell family right away or no? I always made sure I had a drink in my hand this weekend, and even lied saying there was something in it (my family is incredibly pushy). I don’t feel ready to share this yet, but my mind has been made up. It feels good. It feels good knowing I don’t have to worry about where my next drink will come from. It’s also nice not waking up at 3am every night feeling hung over and guilty. I call this the witching hour, never fails. Anyways, I digress, thanks for reading and thanks for the support. It feels good to admit my addiction and reach out to others.
Thank you for the great advice @Oliverjava I really appreciate it. I think the most difficult person I’ll have to tell will be my sister as well. She has her own problems with drinking and I don’t know if she’ll ever address it. I know she’ll tell me I don’t have a problem, when really I just need acceptance and support.
So you stopped swimming in that river in Egypt… LOL.
As for AA meetings, just go and take it in and listen to what others have to say. The first meeting you go to will turn into your first step meeting. It’s awkward as everyone is going to be telling you what you should and should not do. Just take it for what it is.
Also, you might feel like your not connecting with any one else in the program. Or you think nobody else’s situation relates to yours. Give it time, eventually you will relate to some people and their experiences.
Most importantly, get a copy of the AA book and start reading.
Elisabeth, I feel like you have typed my story for me. At this stage, I have said to my family ‘I’m trying to lose some weight’. This has relieved some of the unwelcomed pressure so far. I’m only day 4. Going it alone. Best wishes. I will be eagerly following your journey
Wow! I admire your courage! Addiction is hard to address period, let alone with the added opposition of family!
My experience with AA is that we tend to expect something completely different than what it is. Its kind of like speaking and addressing this forum of people, but in person. People are supportive, humble, non judgmental, kind, and have been where you are!
When dealing with the type of familial opposition you may encounter, its best to get as many on your side as possible! You can do this! Your not alone! We are always in your back pocket and sounds like you have friends you haven’t met yet just 5 minutes away! That mixed with your determination and courage is an equation for success!
Thank you @Goose@Naturehippy@rabbit. I spoke with my friend tonight and that conversation and all your responses have really encouraged me to go asap. My first meeting will be tomorrow! Excited and extremely nervous.
It’s up to you when you tell people. Personally I haven’t for the most part and just have a drink that could be alcoholic in my hand the entire time I’m with pushy people. Like coke instead of rum and coke.
Exactly! That’s what I’ve been telling people so far. I’m accepting that lying is ok, it’s my business, and I will be open about it when I’m good and ready. Stupid pushy people, lol.