Inner voice

Oh they run their mouth don’t they. None of it is true, so might as well do something different and healthy. Hang in there and the further you get from it the easier it gets. So glad you’re here!


Just remember that the committee whispering in your ear is the biggest liar you will ever know. That voice will tell you anything and everything to get you back. When it starts it’s BS instantly distract yourself. Focus on anything else even if it is just 10 deep breaths in and out. Keep your hands busy because that keeps your mind busy. On the other hand relaxation and meditation works for some folk. You will have to figure out what works best for you but never forget it’s lying, it’s patient, it’s treacherous.


Tell it to f*÷% off! You’re doing great. :hugs:


Thank you for your reply and advice, just going to go to bed with a book and hope tomorrow will be a better day, gonna look into meditations and ill try the 10 deep breaths. Not gonna give in this time.


Thank you :blush: :heartbeat:

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It’s great your here
This is an online zoom meeting code


Its 24hrs Day and night, it really helps me just listening to others share their story and experience, especially in the early days I lived on it.
Also you can join with your camera and audio off and literally just listen.


My inner voice left when it no longer had power over me. Keep telling it to f@#$ off. Every time you resist it, it gets a little softer


I can only speak from my own personal experience but for me that voice hasn’t fully gone away. It has lessened tremendously though. I have learned to distinguish what is my addict talking and what isnt and I have learned new techniques to challenge those lies that the addictive part of me tells me. I found it does get easier BUT I have to work on my recovery daily. And I say this bcuz when I don’t do what I’m supposed to do for my recovery daily, that voice gets louder and i start to entertain it.


Yes it does fade away, sometimes tries to come back as a small whisper but I learnt early on the shut it down as soon as it started. That voice isn’t your friend and doesn’t want what is best for you. Whenever it would start, I would say (often out loud) “I hear you but you’re wasting you time. I don’t drink anymore so fuck off!” It took time but eventually took the hint and left me alone.
I know it’s still somewhere deep inside me though, especially if I get complacent so its important I do something everyday that supports my sobriety x


I can’t even count the times I fell for that. My DOC is vodka, so my voice told me to get a bottle or box of wine (I’ll only have a glass or 2), or sometimes it was beer. Never worked, ever. I would drink all the wine or beer and drive to the store to get vodka. Give your voice a name and tell it to shut the fu#k up. My inner voice’s name is ‘Bitch’ :upside_down_face:


I have fell for it a few times allready over the years, im the same as you, I know even if I have one can it will lead back to bottles of wine every night. I’m determined this time to stay sober, im done, im going to tell it to f@#k off every time it starts now. Had a good sleep last night and I feel hopeful for today. ODAAT.

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I slap that voice down instantly, no bargaining with it or listening at all… It’s got way weaker and now I can laugh at it. It does get weaker but never get complacent I get the impression it sits waiting!!!


Experiencing very similar things today at 14 days. I’m here as well!

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I can confirm that 100% yes it sure does :confused: complacency is a sobriety killer. That voice sat waiting for almost 10 years with me and my complacency gave it power and I ended up relapsing. Its ODAAT but never again


I have that voice at times. It usually happens when somethings going on with my emotions, I’m feeling anxious or obligated or something like that. It usually means I have some emotion work to do, I need to reach out and connect.

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Yes makes sense, I reached out on here and it was a great help. I’m still sober today, thank you all :slightly_smiling_face:


We all have that voice. Think I’m months from 3yrs and I got sober at the start of covid layer off work. Everyone has there reasons you just need to find tours and focus on it brother. Done so many stupid things drunk. And I used to DRINK man. I’m sure everyone has “drank more than everyone else here.” But I’ve shit in front of a closed middle school late at night. (Denied it and didn’t get any creeper charge) kept drinking. Had my head stomped on passed out drunk. Broke in 3 diff places. Still drank. We all have our limit. Or our 1 thing that keeps us going. The voices will always be there. But it’s easy to pick up the booze. Takes a strong man/women to not to. You got this! Always here if you wanna reach out.


I’m glad you slept well, that’s a good start! Stay strong, your voice will try to trick you, but you know better. I wish you the best! :heart:

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Haha absolutely :100: healthy things to retrain our minds! I find too that some days certain things work better than others. So it’s almost like I need to have a bunch of things in my recovery toolkit to keeo that addict at bay lol


Dude. Much, much admiration. I watched addicts on Tiktok get clean and sober during a horrible pandemic and I have to be completely honest and say I don’t know if I could have done it. The strength you portray is unbelievable. Thank you so much for being here and showing an example.