Share your experience with different inpatient programs. Where did you go? What did you like about it? What did you hate about it?
I’v had 2 inpatient general hospital detoxes which they literally just medically detox you from alcohol and send you on your way… needless to say I relapsed. My drinking was chronic (1litre of vodka a day) I was lucky to be funded for rehab. I went to a detox unit for 2 weeks and then a rehab for 6 weeks. I was so unwell I just went along and did the time not really understanding the sheer severity of my illness alcoholism but rehab introduced me to alcoholics anonymous and the 12 step programme which has changed my life. I’m 11 months sober now. I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t go. Rehab gives you structure back into your life, gives you a safe and supported environment to begin the journey of recovery. and helps give you the tools to manage your addiction.
12 step clinic. IT saved me . I love rehab. IT was damn hard but Worth it
Went to 2 weeks of inpatient at a hospital with an emphasis on AA, NA and CA. Main reason I went was the fear of detoxing on my own, and the state of Illinois suspends your license if you have a seizure. Couldn’t risk that due to my job requirements. I was given librium during detox.
Inpatient was 12 hours a day of classes, educational and relaxation practices, and we went to AA meetings in the hospital. We also listened to guest speakers who were in recovery.
After two weeks, my counselor deemed me OK to be released and transition to intensive outpatient. 3 hours a night, 5 days a week for 2 weeks. More educational classes, 1 AA meeting, and two group therapy sessions each week. Also we had random drug and alcohol screenings.
After that they tried to get me to sign up for 8 months, 2 nights a week, 1.5 hours each of aftercare. It was just the group therapy meeting. I didn’t feel I needed it as I attend AA regularly, have a sponsor, and can go to a different therapy group at will if I feel I need it.
I hated 1 step , i was asked to tell all about it in front of the whole group.but it was necessary. IT was terrible for me but saved my as. I never had so much love and so much support as i got then. Im a alcoholic and drug addicted im Proud of my recovery shame is gone . For that im humble and i see my self in others addicted. Aa is my salvation and my higher power
We did a step one type deal as an inpatient. I still have to do it in my AA group,. Maybe a bit behind as my sponsor is pretty laid back, feels I’m in a good place, and I’ve had family stuff going on since I got out of treatment.
Dont mind going slowly though. Nice change of pace in life.
Use Aa for all what its Worth. Its a gamechanger. Sponsor is for me a must and i love it
Anyone ever use best drug rehab in Michigan US?