Instagram friends for sobriety support

Followed back!

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Great idea @JayNegas!!! Love connecting with you all!

Thank you, I hope it’ll turn out to be a great support system, so when we post our days clean we can get the positive feed back from other going through the same thing, we’re all in this together!

I’m @oliviamariebb :slight_smile: hope to see some of you on there! I’ve been quite public about my sobriety and follow some amazing people too. The sober community on Instagram is amazing! I scroll through for daily motivation now :heart:

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@jr0llx0 is my ig. I followed you

I love how much feed back this is getting you guys, seriously it really makes me happy to see everyone coming together even if it’s just on social media

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high five lol


Although I’m not on Instagram I think it’s a nice gesture and I’m glad it’s helping to motivate you

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Nope, I still have Facebook that I never use

I’m newly sober and only use Instagram for my social media outlet. Anyone feel free to add me as well; I need all the sober encouragement that I can get. :blush:. My IG is thereal.kristenwmb

Looking to follow back and encourage each other!


Added you , Jay.

I added you as well

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that is a great idea :blush: added you, my name is traveller5980 :raising_hand_woman:
followed all of you guys as well :heart:


Am I the only person on earth who doesn’t have an Instagram? haha :no_mobile_phones:


Let’s get more people to add each other

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I don’t have one.

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Why not rex get one!!!lol

Haha I got 2 friends on Snapchat. I’m going to have the same 2 friends on Instagram :joy::joy:


This is awesome! !! @punkcollie will follow back!!


I followed you