Instead of Facebook

Back in January I gave up Facebook because I realized two things, I waste way too much time on it and it doesn’t bring me joy. It actually made me angry and anxious. Now I got back on it because I was doing a food challenge. But I found myself sucked back in. So instead of going on there I find myself going here first. I find it uplifting and keeps reminding me of why I came to this site in the first place. God bless.


This! :100: If it doesn’t bring you joy, why do it?


I gave up facebook and Twitter for the same reasons. I ignored my family in and out of my drinking and it would also get me freaked out over politics and religion. This is now my only social media and im very happy this way and my family is too.


393 days facebook sober. I learned who were my real friends were when I gave it up.


Oh wow! I deactivated my Facebook account yesterday and my Instagram today. Same reasons. If I’m going to be on my phone then I’d rather it be on this app instead.

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Around the same time I joined this forum I stopped using Facebook. Not totally deliberately, I was just sort of done with it.

I’m probably not saving any time, but I am healthier and happier. :blush: