Interesting or quirky expressions

We all should. Beautiful state and some strong people. Proud Mainer. :heart:

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I say “ass over tea kettle”.


Like a dog with two Dick’s. :slightly_smiling_face:

My dad used to say that he would rip off my arm and hit me with the soggy end


I say this too

We use “fill yer boots” like , “go ahead”. VSue’s might be different thiugh

Ooh. Can’t wait for the answer. I know it as neither of those things :sweat_smile:

I use it to mean “go for it” but in the sense of “load up”. It could mean food but really it could mean anything.


Knee-high by the Fourth of July (talking about corn growth)
Padiddle (see a car with a headlight out, yell padiddle and hit the person next to you…like slug bug)

Not so much an Indiana thing, just something I like to say: It must be ‘Obvious Day’ at Camp Stupid.

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Odd as a box of frogs

A few sandwiches short of a picnic

There’s two sayings: “off like a herd of turtles” and “off like a dirty shirt”. So I’ve morphed then into something I say often: “off like a dirty turtle”

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Well, thanks to “Trailer Park Boys”, I use “Jesus Murphy!” as an exclamation.

There is the typical Massachusetts/New England stuff. Thanks to having an Irish Father, several Irish-y things find their way into my vocabulary. People around here probably find it strange. My speaking patterns sometimes fall into the Irish inflection as well.

Feck, Bollocks, Langer. 3 expletives I use regularly.


Hadaway n shite

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Shit and shinola
Your sisters ass
You listen like a box if rocks

He’d fall in the tyne and come out with a salmon.
(Meaning someone who gets into bad situations but always comes out better off in the end)


My spouse if from Jamaica, they have the best expressions.

-it’s not him who shits in the bush who remembers it, it’s he who steps in it.

-if nah go so, near go so (if that’s not the truth of it, it’s probably close to the truth)

-dog nyam yah suppah (dog ate your supper…
take it while you can get it or you might miss your chance)

-every hoe have dem stick a bush (there’s a handle for every hoe…)


Jesus Murphy was a big east coast Canada expression growing up :blush:

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Ahhh, so Bubbles didn’t just make it up then!!

:joy:No, he probably grew up with it too. He’s was from my area too, almost same generation, a few years older. Dad would add in the “H” as in Jeezus H. Murphy sometimes.
Lord tunderin’ was another :rofl:

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