Intermittent Fasting

Good morning and thank you all!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


No. You can have black coffee or tea. No calories in either. Sweet herbal teas do, so avoid those.

I do IF but not on purpose. Some days I’m simply too busy to eat. Next thing I know it’s 9pm and I haven’t eaten so ill scronge something up. I will do 24-48-72 fasts. When I’m not worried about food and spending time making food, I have more time for thought.
Recently (thread coming later ) I did a solo camping trip to try to find root of some of my issues. I set up camp, sat in a chair and looked at the scenery. I was miles from nowhere and didn’t have a single piece of food with me. Just a cooler full of water. It’s amazing how clear the mind can be when it isn’t thinking about food.


I do IF as well for many years. I combine it with plantbased eating. The documantary from the BBC with Michael Mosley got me inspired. I think you can see it on You Tube still if you like. I do not know the title of it but you will find it I guess.

Most days I do not eat between 19.00 and 13.00.
And sometimes I stretch it up untill dinner time.
I balance my weight with it and also doing it because I think it’s good for my health.


Same, Eric. I’ve not had breakfast or late dinners by preference for years. Except maybe during the heavy drinking days.

If I have anything more than a few bites of breakfast I feel sleepy after. If I have food late I don’t sleep well and stomach feels rubbish.

One day I woke up and it was called “intermittent fasting.” :man_shrugging:


These have been similar to the times I do. I have been doing 20:00 - 1300. But i alter my times depending on plans. And once I return to work I will need to alter times too. Especially when I do night duty.


Had anyone tried alternate day fasting?
I saw a you tube on it and it seemed to result in lots of weight loss but also this mental clarity some of you wrote about

I’m yet to try it, I don’t think I can go 24hrs without any food. 16hrs is hard enough.

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I’m no medical doctor, but not eating on alternate days as a habit sounds pretty unhealthy to me. It looks like the research isn’t there yet.

Practically though, it seems like a way to develop a binging habit. A diet that involves a more healthy daily relationship to food seems better to me for the long run, you know?

I have the same mind for exercise. Rather than crash diets or extreme workout routines, I try to find things that are most easy to weave into my daily life so I can keep them up. Even small things add up in the long run (and for good!).


Thanks. I tried it and it was ok but the thought of doing it again was too much!!!

It hasn’t been. I’ve returned for work and I’m finding it just to hard to do. I’m on my feet 8-10hrs per shift and find not eating drains me too much.

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Bro I have tried but I’m not consistent enough with it to actually see results. I’m learning though. Sorry I didn’t respond until now I didn’t see it!!! Hope you’re doing well Colin!!!


I occasionally do 2 weeks of 5pm meal only. I already eat plant based but if I’m feeling bloated or sluggish, I’ll switch to eating one gigantic raw whole food meal at 5pm. I always feel so energetic and light during those 2 weeks. Wish I had it in me to keep that diet up but I get tired of the raw diet pretty quickly.