
Made it 5 days guys. I’m new. Caved tonite.
I have 3 boys and wouldn’t be heavily dependant on alcohol but I knew I was drinking too much Infront of my kids. I went 5 days and caved tonite. I have a very stressful job and just turned to a glass to feel relief… I need more support


We are all here to support you. Sounds like you need to learn some stress management skills. That can be different things like meditation, journaling, going for a walk in nature, etc. Just something you can turn to when you get home to help instead of falling into the trap of oh it was a stress day at work boy do i need a drink.


Welcome, Layra! Glad you are here. This is a supportive community for sure, so have a read around, see what you might find helpful. The following thread is quite active, and there are many more to choose from. Or use the search bar for various topics of interest. Wish you well!


Welcome to the community. Lots of support here for you. Here’s one of many helpful links.
Just for today do not drink.
Hoping you have stopped and one day at a time will not drink.


Finding a community for support and guidance is key to my ongoing sobriety. I found that support here and in the rooms of aa.

Reset your timer, get some sleep, and read/share as much as you can/need tomorrow.

You are not alone. We may not all have the same stories but in the addictions and the insanity we find understanding and belonging with others


for me i went to meetings and they helped me stay sober may7be try one wish you well


You are human, can’t give any advice as I am on day 2! I’m proud you made it 5 nights! Do you know how many times I fell off my motorcycle before I passed my license. It was ALOT, but I wanted it so bad, so I learned what I fucked up that time, then jumped back on!

None of us are perfect brother and you can do this!


Welcome Layra!
Get up, dust yourself off and start over. Building a sober toolbox is necessary for all of us. What can you add to yours to prevent another relapse? Life is going to happen and learning new coping skills is a must. The excuses to drink are endless. What has helped me is working the AA program and incorporating it into my daily life. Addiction doesn’t take days off and I can’t either.

Wishing you the best on your journey.


Don’t let work be a reason to trash your body. You can rise above the stresses of work and they will be much easier to deal with as well from a point of sobriety.

I caved after a few months of sobriety because of a stressful work situation where this man literally shouted at me and belittled me (for a thing that turned it to be a false accusation.) I drank that night and believe me I regretted it heavily (and still do) that I let that situation and that pillock make me pick up a drink?? No thank you sir, never again.


Own it and make it part of your recovery learn from it and go again also i think as addicts we will always have a reason to pick up that first drink ie stressfull day , argument with partner or just the day ends with a Y we have to change to ask why and what good does it do , does it make stress go away ? Did it make that argument never happen or is it that we just escape from the problems for the short while we are using ? You can do this ADAAT :muscle:


Im happy to see such honesty
Itll help you feel relief and helps us and yourself understand more about your alcoholic mind

I went through countless relapses. The important thing is we are ok and back.

Keep reading
Keep posting
Keep comming back

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The best skiers in the world have gotten back up the most. And asking for help is part of the process. :+1:

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Fellow Irish to Irish - you can do this! You did 5 days, and nothing takes that away. Do it for your boys, laddy.
I wish you the best.

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