It's all about me!

So after finding you wonderful guys this morning, I felt really positive and couldn’t wait to tell my husband this evening. He’s obviously still pissed with me from two nights ago when I drank (and rightly so) but all he had to say was that he had had a long day and has now gone out. Feel bummed that he wasn’t positive about it, maybe he has heard it all before? Anyway, it’s not going to stop me, if I don’t do it for myself, I’ll never do it. Am looking forward to posting on this thread again when I get to 7 days (which includes my Christmas do tomorrow).


You do this for yourself :slight_smile: and you doing it well, be Proud:) if and my we are here to help by support

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Thanks Cobaltchris, I feel a bit angry to be honest, I already feel like a rubbish person, I don’t need him to affirm this by his actions but support and encourage my attempts to get better. Hoping for a better night sleep tonight, although I’m sleeping loads, the nightmares are terrible. Does anybody else get this when they stop drinking?


You shall not feel that you are a rubbish person cause you are not ! :slight_smile: i did go trough thoose things u describe at first .but No more, i have overcome that .IT will be better i promise if you do what you are doing now . Positive mindset remember ?

Yes positive! I’m actually making felt decorations in the shape of poop emoji’s that my son wants to give to his friends, quite ironic really :slight_smile: Thanks Colbaltchris

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Hi @PeppermintTea. Firstly as @Cobaltchris says you are not rubbish. It’s extremely difficult for people to grasp exactly what we are going through without first hand experience. We’re talking about a drug… yes a drug that is not only legal… it is encouraged promoted and given massive social status. Yet this drug is so lethal half a glass pure and you die. Alcohol ruins self esteem which you touched on as being low. But rather than just say I’m addicted I might as well carry on that’s my lot you have decided enough is enough. It’s hard… or is it? If you don’t want to drink then it must be the drink that hijacks your mind. Simply cut that link whenever you are tempted and it helps. You are not weak. You have to be tough to endure the daily torture. Good on you for making a stance. As said you’ll get bags of help. I told my mates and they just treat me like I’m a leper. Well I couldn’t care less. Do this for you. You’ll see good things will happen


Thanks Tim, really appreciate it. It’s daft, one moment feeling good and the next rubbish, guess that comes with the territory. I never thought I would be able to give up smoking but I did over 7 years ago so looking forward to being in the same position with alcohol. How are you doing today?

I’m very well thanks. Day 6 in 8 mins😊

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Whoop whoop, well done you!

Don’t worry about your husband right now. I’m sure he’s just worried about you because he loves you. If he’s not addicted to drinking he doesn’t know exactly what’s going through your mind. With time he’ll understand your commitment and all will be better :heart:

Thanks Teresa, no he has never been a big drinker (maybe three times a year) but he has his vices. Nevermind, I’m still doing this for me and that hasn’t changed! Hope you day has gone ok or if you are a different time zone to me, hope your day is going ok! I’m off to bed now, hoping the nightmares are a little easier tonight. Much love to you all, thank you guys so much for making this so much easier :slight_smile:

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Whoop whoop, I texted my friends who I am going to the pub with tonight and said that my stress related IBS is playing up so can’t have anything that will dehydrate me. Thought I would get it in there before they plonk wine in front on me and the response I got from my text - " poor you but we’ll have a great time anyway" so there you have it, no pressure to drink so I’ll be getting closer to that one week goal :slight_smile: