It's been 7 days

I was 3 months sober from Crystal Meth, I relapsed 7 days ago while I was drunk & haven’t touched it since, also decided to quit drinking as well, I just got a message on my phone from someone that I know telling me they got an 8 ball and would like for me to come get high with them for free, I know I shouldn’t but it’s so hard for me since I know now, any advice? Anything would help at this point my insides feel all tingly thinking about it :pensive::pensive:

I wouldn’t go who says that you will be able to muster the strength to get back here and to to seven days again.
I have another high in me but I don’t think I have another recovery


One word of advice.


“I have another high in me, I dont know if I have another recovery” I never thought of it like that, that helped me right there thinking about out like that

Have you ever seen the wire? It is said in a scene that’s set in an NA meeting. I’ve heard it at my meetings and on here. It would be a true statement for me at this time. My last relapse lasted five years.
If you go for these free drugs that is what your risking happening mate.:slightly_smiling_face:


Recovery isn’t easy at times but it’s a0 much better life then getting high … you know what’s gonna happen… so called mates get u round most of the shit has been smoked… u get the obsession then to buy more … It’s never a free smoke… is it really worth screwing your life up ? I’d block this so called friend and change your number if u e serious about recovery… I don’t mean to go on at u but your life is worth so much more then getting high with these people. Remember how shit u felt and why u choose recovery in the first place x


I couldnt agree with you more x I actually just blocked there number on my phone, Im going to end up changing my number if they still find a way to contact me (other people’s phones) etc

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Well done you… I’m so pleased you didn’t . That took strength and courage. And you bloody amazing xxx

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I had to change my number as my old friends would constantly give out my number to New dealers and they would get some free drugs in exchange.
I would get up to fifty text messages a day, stone m starting at 5am, endings at 11pm. The messages were a marketing ploy by the dealers ravine about their product. I got sick of it so changed my number. :slightly_smiling_face:


Omg them stupid deals I used to get sent ! All that time and money waisted. This is a much better way to spend Friday night ! X


I wholeheartedly agree. I go swimming with my niece every other Saturday now whereas I used to either still be in bed or still off my head. :frowning::slightly_smiling_face:

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this is my Friday night in . Cuddles with teddy I’ll be up at 5am to walk him before work. How lovely you are a present uncle . It’s the best feeling in the world to live life in sobriety x

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I saw it when you posted it before you look made for eachother. :+1::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: