It's important to laugh!

I went to a bridal show yesterday for a friend (it’ll be an adventure to be sober at a wedding…I’ll worry about that later!). It was your typical convention type gig: vendors in your face, mini cake samples and people everywhere! The bride and another bridesmaid that was there wanted to get drinks afterwards. So we went to a spot and I just got coffee, no big deal. We started chatting about wedding plans, and my bride friend talked about how she was trying to moderate her drinking (even though she was terribly hungover lol). Then the other bridesmaid that was there said that she most likely wouldn’t be drinking at the wedding because she is trying to get pregnant… I thought maybe it’d be a good opportunity to just throw my sobriety out there, as this is among a group of friends that I bonded with over partying. Had to snag the opportunity, you know??

So I was like “You won’t be alone” (without realizing the implications of my words lol!), and all loudly she says, “ARE YOU PREGNANT?!” I proceeded to turn 50 shades of red and tried to explain that no, I had tried the moderation thing and that I’m not drinking so I would be joining in the not-drinking at the wedding… I fumbled over my days so far and it was just so awkward! :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

They exclaimed good for you’s and whatnot, but minutes later went to talking about the bachelorette party in Vegas or at a vineyard…sigh. Lol. I had built up fear around my coming out, especially to this group, but knew it had to happen eventually. And while it was mildly embarassing, it ended up being ok! I’m grateful to be able to laugh about it, and I’m sure I’ll put my foot in my mouth a few more times! :joy:

Does anybody else have silly sobriety stories? Laughter is the best medicine!


Lmao that’s awesome.


Lol, I’ll be having one awkward conversation soon about my Non-Drinking…better to have then not have tho.

The lady in question is a doctor who thinks she knows all about addiction, says you can’t use the word “alcoholism” becuase it is now “problem drinking” according to her.

So this will be a doozy.

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She calls it problem drinking?


I see now.


I’m trying to find a delicate balance between how much I share/explain to others, since everrrrryone had an opinion (whether they’re a doctor or not!)…so good luck with that one! :blush:


Only doctors can have opinions? Haha, jk.

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Well she thinks all alchoholism is problem drinking and that there is no difference.