I've tried to drink less but my partner doesn't give importance

Everytime I drink a little bit more I have a huge hangover. It’s easybfor me to have hangover and huge hangover. My partner doesn’t have. He can drink the same or more without having hangover the next day. Because of that I feel we should drink less. Less in quantify and less weekly. But because he doesn’t feel the same and he continues drinking and being relaxed about it I see myself forgeting and drinking again.
But I want to change that. I’m trying this app to help me feel better choosing not drink and to remember me I choosed cut this vicious.


Oh geez I know how hard that can be.
My live in partner is a nightly drinker as well. He functions just fine the day after drinking, I’m the opposite. The hangovers and anxiety cripple me. I decided I just can’t do that to myself anymore. He continues to drink and it was really hard at first. We don’t have much to connect on while he’s drinking and I’m sober. So I just keep myself busy with things that are healthy for me.
I’m into my third month now without alcohol in my life and I highly recommend it.
The first couple of weeks were rough for me but it has been extremely worth it.
I hope you choose yourself over the drinks. You will not regret it. :revolving_hearts::purple_heart:


Thank you. Keep myself busy with things that are healthy for me is a great idea. I will try that, I win if I don’t drink and I win because I will spend more time doing some things that are good for me. Thank you for your replying and sharing. I wish you accomplish a healthier you too. :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi and welcome here :raising_hand_woman:
It sure is difficult to quit drinking if your partner doesn’t. But many of us are in the same boat like you and managed to quit and so can you.
We can do a lot more then we think. I think addiction makes us insecure and we have get into our powerzone again.
For now focus on you now. Your goal to be sober. Set an example for your partner. Maybe he sees during time how your sober life suits you and wants that for himself too?
He wouldn’t be the first :blush:
Here is a thread you may want to read:

Hope to see you around often, it helps to be here much!

If you are a bit like me…you will notice it’s much easier to quit drinking instead of trying to moderate it.
Moderation is a lie when you are addicted like me. Been there, done that and it didn’t work at all :face_with_peeking_eye:


Cutting back is tough for alcoholics. Sounds like he is in denial. You have to take cate ofvyou first, then worry about him. Best bet is to try to stop. Cokd turkey. Try it for at least a few weeks and see how you feel! I think you’ll like it.