Just got my 30 days!

Just got 30 days clean from a few year binge of opiates. My hardest feat is the loss of motivation and no hobbies. I have to find myself, almost feel like I need to remake my life! Any tips on how to keep your motivation? I’m new to this forum, thanks for all the help yall :black_heart:


SO thrilled for you!! :clap:t3: Such a huge milestone! And you’re exactly right…but don’t be overwhelmed. It’s done slowly & gradually over time. I worked on just me those first 90 days. I read & painted a lot. Restored an old chair & painted a design on the seat…both activities made the hours fly by. I educated myself on my disease, listened to those who walked in my shoes, strengthened my faith. As time went on I felt the desire to explore more & do more.


You should be starting to get your energy back now. Looking for a job, exersize or find a hobby you like. Motivation is kinda tough on at first i had to push myself alil but after i started the day i was fine. If i layed around i felt blah and didnt wanna do anything. So having a job getting up early everyday sorta helpped me get into the groove per say… starting over is kinda what it takes as everyone we knew were dealers or other users that could help us find our doc. I live a better life now alone without them then i did with them…


What did you used to love to do? What was your passion? Start there, I bet you’ll start to remember who you are. :heart:

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Awesome! Service work helps. Volunteer to do things at meetings and give back to those who need what you have found.

Keep up the great job!


Good for you on accomplishing 30 days!! That’s wonderful! You’re doing the right things by checking in here and attending meetings. Keep going to meetings. Keep using this app. Make sure you pray and read scriptures–God will strengthen you and help you in your recovery.


Absolutely. Volunteer! There is so much to do and it’s all free. Cast a wide net and find something you like, it’ll do wonderful things for your attitude and energy levels.


I think hobbies will come in time. I have hobbies I would like to do but I don’t have many mates to do them with. Like football, pool, bowling. I do play guitar but I don’t really get time to play it because I waste too much time playing crap games on my phone. Have you thought of playing a musical instrument?

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30 days is wonderful!! Keep going. Motivation can definitely come from within, when you get to wake up every day feeling better and better about yourself and your future! :heart:

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Bowling is the international pastime of AA members. If you need people to go bowling with I would start there lol

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Thank you everyone! I’m working on it, have been reading and binge watching Netflix series, walking, reading about the disease, and educating myself. I struggle with anxiety and depression so really working on getting out of that funk where I sit around more often than not. Thanks for all of your help!

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