Just reached one full day

One full day down. I’m still feeling pretty rotten because I really overdid it this past weekend, but at least I’m on my way out. It does get easier, right? I still feel so sick. Ugh. Never again.


Been one week today been sober it feel great on especially my bday today


Great work on one full day, you will start to feel better soon. Rest plenty and keep hydrated. Let’s keep on keeping on together :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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That’s the way to go. Well done on 24 hours sober. Now you need to repeat this again. And again. You will feel better and with each day piling up you will feel proud and good. Write down your feelings now and make sure you will have this note or book or reminder with you all the time to get reminded of it when you crave again

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Happy Birthday!!! Sobriety is the best gift we can give ourselves… congratulations on your week!


It does get easier and pleasurable:-)


Hey Nadia. Good job on the first day. That’s how I started. I started January 2 last year nursing a 2 day hangover from 3 solid days of New Years drinking. I felt like shit for 2 or 3 days. The thought of ever drinking again disgust me. As I started feeling better I knew I had work to do. And it did get easier. I did lots of angry power walks after I felt better. Lots of hot afternoon showers instead of cocktails and tons and tons of sparkling water. And I checked in here for support. Today I’m 460 days better. Mostly because of the support on this web site. And my daily gratitude list. I’ve done 460 mornings on this thread Daily Gratitude List #2 I got so much to be grateful for now that I don’t drink.


If you are interested maybe find some podcasts or books. It’s helped me a lot these first few days.
Reading “The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober” it’s really positive and looks at all you gain in sobriety:)

You got this!

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