Just started my sobriety journey

Good morning! I just started my journey this past Thursday. I struggle with marijuana(smokable and edibles), alcohol, and pills…has been a few different type, but lately just Benadryl. I would cycle between them. If I couldn’t get it didn’t have one, I’d reach for another. Figuring out what trauma(s) I’m masking, so I can leave this part of my life behind. My wife called me out over the weekend and told me she had noticed and that she just wants me happy and healthy. We have an amazing relationship, so it wasn’t a negative talk. It was very positive and eye-opening. These things keep me zoned out, in a fog, unable to do the things I want and connect with the people I love.

I also struggle with binge eating, but I’m hoping that will get corrected as I fix my other issues.

Any tips, shared experience with the same issues, or words of encouragement would be amazing! Yesterday was my first real rough day. I took a day for myself, after work. Relaxed a lot, soaked in a bath, had some herbal tea, and some food that was good for me, and took some headache meds. I feel so run down. Is this normal? Anyway, I’m really glad to be here and I hope I can stay the course!


Welcome to the community, I myself am just starting this new lifestyle and have the same questions as you so I don’t have much advice to offer other than to keep reaching out, its what’s helped me so far. This is a great space for support and advice. You’re doing great already. I was told to take it “one day at a time” and it’s helped.

Glad you’re making steps and reaching out.

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Welcome! It is different for each of us. I know my first attempt at sobriety was rough the initial weeks. So many triggers and memories. Meetings helped me a lot. My current status is 545 days sober and I take each day at a time. I can assure you it gets easier with each day and it’s worth it. I never imagined a life with minimal drama and I can do whatever I want now with no ramifications and no guilt. I wake up each morning happy and healthy. There are still challenges but THIS forum along with meetings get me through. There are amazing people here. Again, welcome!!


Welcome! First piece of advice…be active here. Those that are active tend to have solid sobriety.

On this forum you will find tons of advice, cautionary tales, fun, fellowship…


That’s great! Welcome! I hope we both get the answers that we need and I’m glad you’re here.

545 days…that’s amazing. Congrats! I’m hoping it gets easier. Today is rough, too. The cravings are always worse when I’m at home, bc that’s when I did everything. Makes me feel like a terrible spouse and father, but I know I’ll be better. Thanks so much for the words of encouragement!

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Thank you! Yeah, I noticed that quickly. It’s like a big family. I’m loving the atmosphere and the encouragement that I’ve been reading. I’m glad I found this community!

Congrats on starting your sobriety journey. For me in the beginning I had to be realistic about the negative effects of my drinking and drug use . I was tired of being on that roller coaster and always wanting to change the way I feel . What helped me in the beginning and still does now is keeping everything simple and basic . Stay busy with healthy escapes . Try new hobbies , stay busy . Get a natural boost From exercise or simply going for a walk . Eat good and hydrate. Look into support groups and recovery programs so you can talk to other people going through the same thing . Start journaling daily about what your goals are . Write about your struggle and your accomplishments. Also this community is a huge blessing and there is so much help and knowledge here on how to stay sober . Keep things a day at a time and you will see progress. If you have had enough of your old life then make a promise to make changes . Nothing changes if nothing changes . It seems like you have some really good support from your wife and that is good . Thank you for posting and welcome to the community . Hang in there . You can do this

Welcome to the community! Here are a bunch of helpful links for just starting out :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the forum! 2022

I managed to find healthy distractions. Walking did me wonders. Got me out of the house - even for 20 minutes at a time.