I have finally acknowledged that I have a real problem with alcohol. After having years of people telling me I don’t have a problem and just need to calm down. My issue is not staying away from drink per se, I can stay away from alcohol for months without cravings. My challenge has always been, once I have that first drink, there is no stopping until I pass out. Or am thrown out. If the party stops at best I get insanely depressed, at worst I will become angry with those trying to stop me.
So I have all my loved ones saying I need to just cut down because they cannot understand, that when I start drinking, I will not stop until I am no longer able to drink physically.
I have spent the last nearly a year sober, went out on. Saturday night and once again I could not control where I headed.
To me alcohol is dangerous and I know, that one time, perhaps soon, that first drink could lead to my last.
Just wanted to admit to some strangers that I have a problem.
I had family tell me that I didn’t have a problem either. I think it’s great that you can acknowledge you have a problem and I think you are amazing for wanting to become a better version of yourself. Keeping coming back to this forum because it helps!
We may be strangers, but the chains that bind us are sadly not strange and we need to help and encourage each other to keep free from their prison hold!
To strangers helping each other become less strange!
You do not have the problem and there is nothing wrong with you! Alcohol is the problem and has everything wrong with it! Just because it’s socially acceptable to get drunk no matter how few times a year doesn’t mean that you have a problem for not wanting to drink anymore. Be proud of not wanting something that is bad for you, not guilty or ashamed because you want to quit. If you can go months without already, than that’s a huge leg up on your alcohol free journey! Good for you!
It is strange how family and friends can be enablers just by caring so much that they do not want to always see the truth about their loved ones.
I would class myself as a self destructive binge drinker and that alcohol amplifies that urge giving the benefit of numbing pain.
I hope to be able to help others also.
I have been sober for most of this year only having about three slips, but those slips were drinking ridiculous amounts and not remembering the night before all which can be avoided by not taking the first drink.
I am the same way. Once I start I can’t stop. It’s not hard liquore but I can easily go through 2 bottles of wine a night and pass out until about 2am then I wake up feeling like shit and can’t go back to sleep. It’s terrible. When I open that first bottle I always tell myself that I’ll stop at half the bottle but I just can’t do it. I have issues that I have to work through. My family lives far away, I have a disabled sister that lives in a home, my parents are divorced and I feel the pressure of many things… I’ve been trying to conceive for Over 4 years and it’s very stressful for my boyfriend and I… I feel very alone. when I drink I forget about the pain, I feel happy at the moment but the next day I am so ashamed and mad at myself for not being in control. It’s all the feelings that get me. I don’t know how to explain it but I know you guys get me. God Bless you all on your journey.
Tomorrow will be an interesting challenge. The office Christmas party. Planning to duck out and get the most beer looking root beer I can find and try and avoid temptation.
Literally the most uncomfortable place, as its a hive of judgement and awkwardness. I wish all of you lovely folks luck at your Christmas gatherings too.
My office has alcohol in the fridge that gets busted out Friday which probably sounds like some kind of lame mad men thing. Ah well, I have been practising my excuses all week and how to keep focusing on how bad it is for me rather than how much it will please everyone else to have me be their entertainer ( until it goes dark and everyone gets uncomfortable ).
Iv had my alcohol problem be down played with the same type of responses. “Just take it easy” "everyone gets out of control every once in a while"
I feel for you my friend!
Well, I managed to make it through the office party, literally having drinks pressed into my hand all night. Was not at all easy especially as everyone around me got drunker and drunker. But in the end a win is a win.
Hope all of your holiday periods are going well and everyone is achieving their sobriety goals.
Thank you, it feels like a cliche but accepting that there is a problem in some ways makes it easier to solve. I hope things are going well for you Oliver