OK I’m at day 4 and this is the first weekend with my kid and without beer. My son is 5 and needs a ton of attention and I normally end up drinking to enjoy spending 72 hours playing with him . I enjoy spend time with him sober but it gets to me after the first 24 hours. He doesn’t have any friends around here to play with so I am his sole entertainment. I guess im just venting my fears about not being as fun a dad if I get burnt out on kid play .
My kids are 8 and 10. Trust me this will pass. He will grow. He would love a sober dad.
It’s hard keeping up with a 5 yr old…play hard for an hour. You can drive cars on the ground… then read quietly to him for an hour. Play hide and seek with a gopro on your heads and remember and savor every moment…
Do your best! I have a 5 year old also. They can be tiring and demanding. Can I just say that I truly believe it is important for children to be bored. This sparks their creativity and imagination. When my son says he is bored (or the kids I work with for that matter) I say ‘only boring people get bored’ I don’t know what the weather is like in your part of the world, but I get my boy outside when he is driving me bananas. Best of luck!
We trying to be out side a bit … but it’s in the 20’s f here. So we get cold after a bit . Every things gonna be fine I just have to check in on here to read some kind words and get my head straight. It’s more helpful than I could have imagined.
I totally get it. I have a 6 and 8 year old. I usually drink wine on the weekends while dealing with the playing, fighting etc. I really want to. But I’m going to try not to!
I feel your pain. I’m on day 3 with a 2 year old and 7 year old. I used to drink wine in order to keep up. 2 year olds are demanding. sigh but it’s better sober. I broke my wrist playing with them drunk.
Keep up the good work!