Knowing my triggers

Im at 19 days not drinking and I feel good. This coming weekend my mother in law is coming for a visit, she is a major trigger for me. Last time she visited i relapsed and drank an entire bottle. I can’t keep her away from her grandchild and I need to learn how to deal. Scared for this weekend, there I said it Im terrified.


I hope you have a good strategy by then!

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I don’t know your story, but is your partner also going to be there when your MIL visits? Can you discuss beforehand and have a plan? Like you are getting stressed so you need to take a walk, bath, go sit in bedroom and meditate or read or head out to workout or yoga class or whatever calms you. Can you work on having your needs supported? Or set it up so MIL has time alone with the grandkids while you have some healthy me time?

I know you don’t want to just drink at the stress. Finding more productive ways of dealing with life’s stressful moments is what recovery and sobriety are all about.

Don’t just worry about what might happen, make a plan of how to deal with the stress and then follow thru with that plan. I have faith in you. :heart::yellow_heart::green_heart:


Thanks! My man is my rock and he keeps me grounded. Shortly after I wrote this today I.sat down with him and explained my concerns. We had planned alot of anxiety filled activities this weekend but I think I am going to change that. I am scheduling a massage for Saturday and maybe a trip to the beach for all would be good. Also morning workouts are always good for my anxiety. I appreciate your words of encouragement and more than anything I appreciate you. Thank you


Yes!!! I love that you two discussed this and especially that you rethought the activities. We can’t expect our partners to read our minds and know we are anxious or worried. Making a plan together sets you up for success. :purple_heart:

Happy for you!

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You can do this! GREAT you are making a plan with your partner- well done you! Also remember that you can always come here an ventilate😊


I look at others as a reflection of myself. If something that someone is doing is really triggering me, I try to get deep within myself to figure out why I am reacting that way.
It might be worth it to journal your feelings, or talk to someone about why you feel triggered.
Will you have someone with you for support while she visits? It’s just a weekend, she will eventually leave!