Kudzu root

Anyone had any sucess with this?

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I take it twice a day. It’s not a miracle pill by any means but i do get some benefit.

Along with exercise and eating right just another tool in the box. 31 days sober here…Jim…Been lurking for a month now. Good luck


Hi guys I haven’t tried kudzu but I get a concentrated valerian pill and it helps me at night. I take it about an hour before bed. I’ve found some studies. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/blog/inner-source/201503/valerian-sleep-and-weaning-anxiety-medications%3Famp. I don’t know how to get a link in here. Hope it worked. Also, I’ve been taking magnesium too. It’s supposed to help with alcoholic vitamin deficiency, along with a good b vitamin.

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It’s an ingredient in an herbal smokless tobacco substitute I use when trying to quit dipping. Helps with the after meal or stress cravings. Makers even add a bit of cayenne pepper to give it that 'burn" when you put a pinch in.

My other experience is trying to kill it when I lived further south. Had to get the root or it just came back and took over everything.

As far as taking for health benefits, I don’t have any experience with it.

What brand do you use to help quit dipping??

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Smokey Mountain. Buy it off Amazon. I like the straight. Tastes almost like Copenhagen.


I wish I had thought of this. Most of NW Georgia is covered with it. I’ve seen it eat houses and take over cattle pastures. It literally chokes out trees. I’ve seen it get to a road and, bc it can’t cross the road, it climbs telephone poles and crosses the wires. Phone company has to come along and pull it down.

Had I know people would buy the roots, I’d be a billionaire…as opposed to a hundred-aire like I am now :0/


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That is perfect thank you so much copenhagen’s the one I need to replace

31 days as well! Congrats!