Last drink the 34th birthday

I want a drink SO bad!! I need to quit. I get black iut drunk every single night. Help me sray strong!!

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Want too, but you don’t need too. What are some other things you want in life?

I too am 34, I’ve been sober since January. Lifes not always peaches and cream sober, but it’s a million times better than when I was a drunkard with anger and violent tendencies.


My kids are my reason.

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Getting sober for others usually doesn’t work. Never worked for me. Why do you want to be sober? Humans need very little in life to sustain, it’s our wills and wants that cloud everything up.

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Trust me I know…my family is sober. I want to do it for me ultimately. My health. I’m sick of waking up sick, forgetting my night’s, passing out, feeling groggy. I want me back. I want to be present in life rather than cloudy. I’ve been addicted to other drugs and tobacco in the past. Was able to quit by will power. I am hoping this time will be the same; but if not that is why I’m reaching out for support now.

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You’re almost at two days keep going!! I’m glad you recognize you need to do this for yourself. Kids are a huge reason to quit as well, and can help you in your drive. I have three kids myself- 10, 8, and 2. I did this for myself and also to teach them that it’s ok to seek treatment, get help, and admit you have a problem. Alcoholism is genetic, and for my kids it’s unfortunate as it’s on my side, my husbands, both sides of our parents too. Sometimes when I feel weak realizing that I’m helping them understand the disease, helping to normalize it for them, and trying to erase the stigma that alcoholism means you’re a bad person. Not sure if this helps or not but I hope it does. The world needs you and so do your kids- and being sober means a better life and being present.


Now if my husband will throw his beer out :smirk:

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I went to my first meeting when i was 34 never looked back i went for myself no one else ,wish you well


Thanks!I really appreciate it. 1 day at a time

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I am hopeful you made it through the night. I bet you feel alot better this morning. Sometimes just talking to someone or this app helps us get by. And then POOF! Before we know it we made it through. You keep strong, get to a meeting, you know the drill since your family is sober.


You can do it!! You are doing the right thing by reaching out for help and advice. Big thing is stay busy and keep your mind occupied.


I just turned 34 too and I’m now 42 days sober. I’ve had many wake up calls over the years and have always went back to drinking beer, but not this time. I do have a family and little kids growing up, that I want to be around for as well. Ultimately, you have to believe in yourself, you have to love yourself, make the effort and the right choice not to have a drink. It can be hard as hell, because our minds love to give us doubt. Think of it this way, what good comes from not drinking? You should be able to list a few. Change your lifestyle, set goals, stay accountable, be honest, and reach out if you need help. Have faith. A positive mindset will only help you get better. Better yourself. Let’s do it!


Thank you!!! I am so ready!! I crushed the first 3 days despite wanting to give on so many times!


Thank you!! I need to find a better way to deal with stresses.

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Great news that you are making it through! You and my wife have the same birthday:)

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Happy birthday! What a great way to start this new year of your life!
I am 36 yo and finally gave up drinking this year! Left this horrible cycle of destruction - secret drinking at home -> blackout -> hangover
-> repeat
I was so tired of mapping out the conversations I had with my family members on blackout mode! Waking up and seeing on my phone I have talked to my sister for 20 min and did not remember anything we talked about!
Went to an AA meeting this week and got my 1 month chip. I am so grateful and happy. You can do this, believe in yourself and stay strong!


Oh my gosh this is so me!!! Congrats on your 1st chip and your sobriety. I am so glad I decided to do this for me. On day 4 and feeling good! I want to drink; but know I am the best me without it.


Keep going. My first week was tough I also wanted to drink, as soon as I remembered my blackouts and that would be enough for me not to drink. Or I would also remember my worst hangovers, those ones that the headache was so strong it felt like my brain was painfully expanding and contracting in my head and I could not even imagine drinking.