Last Smoke for

Autistic POC - person of colour, parent of two with SEN - special educational needs, in a blended family, layered with dyslexia and dyspraxia, living with a diagnosis of CPTSD - complex post traumatic stress disorder. And just finished my last joint before avoiding the temptation of food and porn - topped off with endless rounds of sexuality shame and masturbation.

And breathe :green_heart:


We are all the same here Green! Working to make ourselves better!
Nice to meet ya!

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How’s it going on your end - thanks for the welcome msg x

Figured I needed to connect with others about my addictions, I’ve not managed to speak to people about it and like to think it could support my sobriety

I’m good mate. This place has been a major part of my sobriety, stay connected its definitely a lifesaver.

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O wow, hey, how are you ?

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