Learning disability

Hello I am interested in getting big book on tape who a good app am on Android phone thanks all but also I can listen but still have hard time understanding it since lots of the words are from 1930 ish I have a 5 grade reading level am 43 if anyone has a learning disability care to talk with me be great


Hi Beth, I cannot help you with it but I tag some guys in it wich I think may help you find what you are looking for if they are around.

@Thirdmonkey , @Mephistopheles do you know an app who couvers this?

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From my experiences with learning disabilities is strategies can be found online or in books. One is to jot down notes according to page numbers of anything of interest, stands out, information etc, even ask questions and put them in your notes. It will act as a reference if you need to re-read. My favourite thing to look up the author in order to gage where they might be coming from. Also look into other sources that might reference it or review the book which can help get the big picture. Another easy on is keep a dictionary handy. And also break the book up in parts that sets a more realistic goal. Like reading a chapter a week, break up the chapter in sections.

Hi I am like the / love the 12 step tool kit !!! I have 2 others still playing around with

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