Learning to say no

My boyfriend doesn’t know I’m doing this. He offered to buy a bottle of tequila tonight and I said no thanks and cleaned for 2 hours. Not feeling too challenged on day 2… this weekend is what I’m really afraid of.


That is really good. Saying no to a drink offered from a loved one! First 48 hours are the hardest, and if you said no to your boyfriend, I think you got this weekend in the bag. If you are worried about it, just stay away from places that will be challenging like bars and partys. Sure it might seem boring, but hey nothing wrong with a movie and ice cream night. Healthier for you and now is the key time. The biggest milestones for me were 48 hours, then two weeks. Sometimes took 1 day at a time, some took it 1 minute at a time. Juse keep you mind set on your goal


Gonna take it one day at a time. Really excited to get past my first week!

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Maybe people do not understand our choice but time will show how determined we are
people close to us need know our decision

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I feel you. My man works 7 days a week. So me trying to sober up whem he wants s rexlax day feels like a smack in the face. He can drink ine day n never again for months… Me… I have to day to day or i go weird.

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Stick to your choice @Freyah92 u doing great. Do something u like to do, a new hoby maybe. Focus on what you want .You can do it :slight_smile:

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