Less fear after not drinking

I used to have a pretty awful fear of heights but I’m noticing that the fear is nowhere near what it used to be. I stood on the highest point of my apartment buildings rooftop this morning to get a good view of the city and I only felt slightly uncomfortable. When I was drinking I wouldn’t even dare go up there because I would get terrified just thinking about it.

Anyone else had a fear that lessened after they stopped drinking?


One of the many things I’ve learned in recover is that fear is truly an illusion. I had fear of just about everything: financial insecurity, social situations, anxiety, what other people thought of me, things I couldn’t control. Today I know my sobriety is contingent on thinking through the fears that may pop up. I know that if I’m doing the next right thing, helping others and whatever it takes to stay sober, (and have faith), I don’t have to be afraid of what “might” happen, or the “what ifs” of life. Sober living is awesome, because I’m finally living, not just existing. :rose::yum: