Let it GO...What's turned over turns out

There is a bit of packrat in all of us. We’ve carried things around with us that should have been thrown away long ago. We have had bad experiences that we can recall in an instant. We play the scene back in our minds and bring up those old feelings, and suddenly we are back in time. We feel the anxiety, anger, and resentment of the moment.
We learn in recovery not to carry the effects of old feelings into our present reality. We ask ourselves for the willingness to let go and turn over those memories. All they do is cause us pain and remorse. Our willingness to venture beyond the past into the present is the key to the future.

“I will learn what I can from my past. Then I turn it over and put it behind me in order to build my future.”


I listened to a podcast the other day (hardcore self help). He talked about the concept of declaring emotional bankruptcy and I loved that idea. Just letting go of all the layers of guilt/debt/bullshit and giving yourself permission to start again.


Good topic.

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Wow I really like the idea of declaring emotional bankruptcy as a way of moving on. That really made me think :face_with_monocle: