I’m currently a marketing analyst. I’ve been using SQL/PHP/VB/Perl for years to build tools and stuff. It just sorta became the way I learn.
Thank you, it’s always nice making new friends! I have a hyperactive mind and tend to overthink things and get stuck in my head so as long as I stay busy it keeps my mind off of those things and using.
My sun sign is Aries, my moon sign is Cancer
I have a love/hate relationship with Tupperware
Celery offends me
I often desire something I cant have and instantly become bored with it when I get it
I become upset, though, if you tell me that is what happens…every…time
I believe the world would be a better place if we would all acknowledge the existence of merpeople
I love dogs soooooo much but definitely only have energy for cats
How about you?
The way I count to 5 on my fingers… If the thumb is number 1 and little finger is 5, I go 1, 2, 3, 5, 4. Although I use the little finger to mean 4, I’m not counting 3, 5, 4 in my head Apparently that’s different!
@SoberGuyUSA I also walk around when I brush my teeth, cannot stand still. I do put my toothbrush back tho.
@Ravikamor Oooh, I LOVE me some scrambled eggs.
I can eat toast with pretty much anything (curry with toast, pasta with toast)
I eat my cereals without milk when I occasionally eat cereals, because I can’t stand them getting wet and soggy. I prefer to sit on the floor because it feels to closed up and I feel trapped sitting on a chair or in a sofa with a lot of people. I most often eat my food with bread or nacho chips instead of fork and knives and if I’m drinking coffee I need something sweet like a banana to compliment it. I hate wearing socks but I’m Always cold so I’m wearing slippers (Y’all have seen my cows, pandas and owls by now) and I rather play with the kids than talking with the adults on parties and gatherings.
I fold my clothes a certain way, they have to all be the same way and the logo has to facing on top, I only wear certain type of socks like converse, vans or really thick walking socks. I have an obsessions with trainers and own over 50+plus pairs (yes I wear them all) I have to match my knickers with my jeans… I am Nero Diverse and proud!
I cannot bear the way my husband and it seems all Japanese people fold clothes, I am with u, the logo goes on top, obviously!
I was raised bilingual English Spanish and my grammar in either is not perfect, In English I apparently order my words incorrectly (according to English teachers and grammar sticklers I know). But I’ve spent most of my career writing anyway. I am no longer really fluent in Spanish (but pick it up quickly) though I understand fine. My two younger brothers don’t have this problem, they were more resistant to speaking Spanish. I also have little quirks like I say such and such “costed” x $, as opposed to “cost.” And I can’t stop myself usually.
I can be very stubborn and my husband calls me spicy, and he says when I flash him a look, you know, the “look,” I’m shooting spice at him and careful, it’s getting all over the walls.
Yeah ive noticed alot of people whos first language isnt english seem to struggle most with the difference between plural and singular words. But i admire and respect the fact they can even speak a second language. More than i can do.
I recently found out I was diagnosed with ADD as a child haha .I’m Arabic I do occasionally stare at the sun despite knowing better …I watch the same shows on repeat for years and I’ve genuinely fantasised about being my favourite food instead of being a human so I can always have an endless supply of it …and I deep down for sure wanna fall in love with a vampire if only they existed
Multilingual speaker here, English, Swedish, Romani (aka gypsy language) all native. And I’m doing that too. Sometimes I also mixes the words up and throws in the world in whatever language that comes up first. It doesn’t happen when writing, but pretty often while I’m talking. Especially If I’m switching in the middle of e sentence or conversation. One of my close friends who speaks French, Spanish and English is having the same issues. I think that’s something you just can’t get away from. My 9 y/o speaks mostly English but he does the same with English-Swedish so he uses both in mixed sentences all the time.
This is how I cut my butter. It’s not common to do it like this, I confuse people with it.
I can wiggle my ears.
Although I like both, I do not serve ketchup and lasagna together.
If I happen to burp, I whistle immediately after. It’s a game I used to play with my dad. It’s so engraved in me I still do the whistle when I’m by myself.
When reading a book or watching a movie, I always have to google the ending. Weird I know but I enjoy the book/movie all the same.
Haha! Flo I’ll give you mine if the time ever arises! Lol I enjoy my eggs EVERY other way cooked. I just don’t like them scrambled. It has something to do with the texture, not so much the taste… this thread should be called “I’m a weirdo because…”
Forgot to add, my favorite expression is probably “No shit, Sherlock” used when something is totally obvious
- I always read magazines for back to front.
- I absolutely can not sit down when I’m on the phone. I typically pace around in a circle in my living room.
- i have dyslexia so I can’t spell well at all and still ended up in a profession where 70% of my work is writing.
I talk about fight club.
@dalex77… My favorite number is 7 and I run into the same things as you with a 7 in everything but I never win at the casino. Our birthdays are the same (July 7th) but I’m much older and I do have a 7 in the year too. lol
Love learning more about you. I can relate in many ways…dog lover here though I got the cat thing-they’re fascinating creatures however I’m too sensitive to have an animal that ignores me lol