Let Us Introduce Ourselves

You got this dear! You can’t give in now, you’ve been kicking addictions ass this long, keep on beating that shit up!!

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Hello, my name is Anthony DOC is alcohol and weed. I am a husband to a beautiful wife of 10 years and lucky father of 3 children, 8, 6, and 3. I am 33 yo and happily sober since August 22nd 2019. I also love the outdoors.


Greetings I’m Chris age 38 DOC Alcohol,

I’m 142 days in, I finally cracked when my GF kicked me out and I was living out of a hotel to have a place to drink, and die. Went to detox and treatment currently in a sober living environment in another state, I’m a proud parent of 2 sons and a stepdaughter, my story is a long journey with some serious twists and turns like all of ours, But I’m working on things a day at a time a problem at a time, hopefully one day I can reunite with my family I miss them terribly but I have to accept that I did alot of damage that needs fixing


Greetings! I’m Danielle, 31 years old living in the beautiful Pacific NW. Prior drinker, now 314 days alcohol free!! :partying_face: Mom to two furry little critters. Outdoorsy book nerd :hugs:


Hi, I’m Dan. I’m a Capricorn and I enjoy cooking and long walks on the beach. Biologically, I’m 42 years old, mentally I’m 19 and physically I’m somewhere between 60 and 80. My favorite color is red and I’ve never broken a bone before. My DOC is alcohol and been sober for over 2 years now.

Welcome! Glad to meet you, and everyone else!


Hi Natasha nice to meet and congratulations on your sober days.
I’m Michael, or Mike, or cutie :face_with_hand_over_mouth: jk. I am 281 days sober, 30 years old. Drug of choice was coke and alcohol, coke ruined and took everything from me. I would do any drug to escape my insecurities really… I have two beautiful girls, and so super proud of the father and man I am becoming. So far I’ve taken up weight lifting, and running and hiking as my hobbies. I’m still finding what else I really like and love. Some days are super hard, and some are great. Anyways thank you for this post it’s nice to get to know everyone a lil more


Hello everyone! My name is Andy and just starting my journey I found this app about 3 days ago and honestly have rest everyday. My addiction is food aka the good girls drug. I will literally eat 6, 7 800 grams of carbs and sugar a day until I puke. I honestly do not know why I can’t kick this habit it seems so silly to me that I just can’t not do it. I’ve struggled with Binge eating disorder for about 5 years now. :sob: I am so happy to be here and read all of your post!


Hi everyone, I’m Kathryn.
You guys are all so impressive- you all have so much time since you last used… I had a very recent relapse, and am now back to 3 (almost 4!) days.
My addiction is very different from all of you, but is still an addiction and is often driven by very similar triggers as substance abuse. My addiction is to self-injury. I cut and burn myself often to the point of needing medical treatment. I am getting better, I’m finding that I can go longer in between relapses now. I just wish I didn’t want it so badly.
I’m a child and youth worker, so I feel kind of stupid having this problem when I’m supposed to know how to help other people through it… but, I guess going through it myself will just help me understand clients better.
It’s nice to meet everyone! Congrats on all your days clean!


Hey I am Franzi, 39, living in southern Germany near lake Constance. My DOC was alcohol but also eating disorders in younger age. Sober since 4th November 2018.
I love being outdoors, sports.
I am diabetic, have no kids and soon a or two cats :wink:


​Jené. 51 yo. I live smack dab in the middle of the USA in Nebraska. I have 2 beautiful teens, 2 dogs, 2 bunnies, 1 rat, 30 chickens and 2 goats. My DOC is alcohol. I have been drinking since I was a preteen and still trying to kick it for good.


My name is Jessi, I’m 35 and I live in Chicago :heart:
My drugs of choice were cocaine, alcohol, and sex.
I’ve been cocaine free since I was 21. I went cold turkey months before I found out I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. Almost 14 years nows.
As for alcohol I am 1262 days sober.
With the sex addiction it’s something I have been working on since I realized it was a problem.
I’ve over come a lot and don’t struggle with it today.
I’m in a happy healthy relationship which has a huge impact.
It’s also my first happy healthy sober relationship :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m the mom of two girls 12 and 10 and the bonus mom of a 5 year old girl. Ben and I are looking for houses to buy that we can fix up together because that is both of our dreams.


Hi Natasha, I’m Joe. I too started out with percs, oxy, then heroin. I really bad car accident opened my eyes to my addiction, and I struggled to kick it for another 6 months after the accident. As of today I’ve been 22 weeks(154days, or 5months) sober. Its extremely hard to keep it up, but with the right support, you can accomplish anything.


Hi, Natasha! I’m Sandra. I’m 41 years old, and I’m an alcoholic. I was sober for seven years and then fell off the wagon for about nine years. Currently, I’m 46 days sober. I have a super cute dog named Max whom I rescued last November, and in my spare time I love to read, write stories, and knit.


I just wanna pause and say this is a delightfully wholesome thread. :blush:


It is definitely an addiction. I used to self harm for years but then I found drugs, and it was a whole other ball game for me.

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I’m so happy my first thread was a good one. And it’s so nice to meet everyone!!!


Hi Natasha! I’m Kayla my doc is herion, I am almost 30 days clean, just had a babygirl 4 weeks ago today.


Hello, I’m Harold. I’m from Missouri and I’m at 215 days. This is my 2nd time around sobriety. Alcohol is my doc. The last time I had any notable time was 1990 when I had about 6 years. This disease of addiction we have tells us everyday we don’t have it. But We can do this. My sponsor says "we stay sober; I get drunk.
Thanks to everyone here.


Hiya, I’m Jay. Alcohol and heroin. I’ve been clean from dope for 14 years and alchohol for 1yr and 3 months. I live in South Florida. So grateful not to wake up sick. Happy to be here.


Great thread Natasha! Welcome everyone! It’s better battling our demons TOGETHER! You aren’t alone. I see you ALL putting in the work. If no one told you today, I’m proud of you ALL! LET’S GO!!