Let's do this. today is a new day. i am back again

Good morning from İstanbul. Its nearly 7 a.m here. Sleeping is a perfect medicine. Going to bed early and waking up before sun. I feel good today. Its day 2. I must admit I ate a lot these 2 days and it also helped. I dont eat a lot all the time. Only twice a day but mostly once. Eating really helps.

Also I want to share something. While scrolling I saw an instagram account. @bwb.positivity… The person there helps me a lot. I am not religious. But I think I believe a higher power who cares for us. And makes us meet people who we need. I love all of you people.


Yes! Tinkerbell you made it to say 2!! I’m so happy, and very proud of you! You’ve made my day :grin::heart:

I’ll check out the link, but it’s great that you have that. You keep anything that gives you comfort, peace, and joy in your sobriety toolbox. If you have a rough patch, take what you need out, and just give yourself time. It will pass. Sleep, eat, and be well my friend :people_hugging:


Me too…I am brave enough…just need to be a little stronger. Feel like people judge me when I dont have a wine…iwhy do I care?


Attitudes to alcohol are just ridiculous. They are drinking poison, yet YOU feel judged for not drinking it.

Have a ‘you do you’ attitude to anyone drinking around you. All you have to do is protect your sobriety. You’re doing great :slightly_smiling_face:


Work that. I’m happy today is a new day

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Thank you its day 4 :blush:


Delighted for you Tinkerbell :grin:

Keep it going sweetheart. You only have to handle today. Tomorrow, you will handle tomorrow, etc. You’re doing great :people_hugging::heart:


It motivated me and I wanted to share. I hope I managed to share :thinking:

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Thankyou for sharing - that was great to hear! Hope you are doing well and enjoying a sober Saturday

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Stay here with us, even if you’re not in recovery. We will be your support. I hope you’re doing okay. :butterfly:


Its day 12. I cant sleep at all. I dont see any of my friends. I barely go out. Just sit and smoke (not weed). I cry cry cry. To be honest I dont have any friends anymore. Just cats and me. Thankful for them of course. Today I will go to seaside. I will look at the sea as a robot and come back home. This shit is hard. But there is no other way.


I went outside literally trembling because of anxiety. I preferred to be close to the sea. Now I feel much better. Here is a photo of my morning with a lovely companion. Lots of love from İstanbul…


Hi Tinkerbell :heart:

I’m glad you had a nice time by the sea. Nature is a wonderful thing, it has such a calming effect on us. I know this is true for me too.

You will always have us here Tinkerbell, if you need to chat. In terms of physical friends, you have to do be proactive about this. For a lot of people (including myself) this is hard to do. I’m very introverted, and it takes a lot of effort to put myself out there. We have to take ourselves outside of our comfort zone and just do it. New hobbies and interests is a great way to get to know people. There are other people like you that really gets something from being in nature, like walking groups etc.

The alternative is to do nothing, and this means you change nothing. Feeling lonely and anxious is not good for sobriety. You could see why these feelings could easily lead a person back to the bottle. But that isn’t the answer, you feel the same tomorrow only with a hangover and full of guilt and shame.

Be brave and put yourself out there Tinkerbell :heart::people_hugging:


Thank you. Lovely words. :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:

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Also I want to add that you are right. We are friends here. And we dont call for drinks!!!