Hi Everyone. I am 35 days sober from Alcohol (primary DOC) and Valium (secondary DOC).
I can tell that most, if not all, of the acute withdrawal symptoms are over. My mind isn’t racing a mile a minute with overwhelming anxious thoughts. I don’t have the intense SI I was having, overwhelming despair, absolute inability to eat or sleep very much. Total despair and hopelessness.
Things have now turned into PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome). I have my appetite back. I am getting sleep. Exercise every day. Active in my rehab group sessions. No longer overwhelmed by anxiety or despair. BUT…my current state of affairs isn’t a walk in the park either. I spend a lot of time ruminating over all of the utterly selfish and dickish choices I’ve made over my whole life that hurt people. Impulsivity and choices that have hurt myself. Spending a lot of time beating myself up, carrying decades worth of guilt and shame. Feeling scared and worried about my ability to stay sober. To manage myself through stressful events I know will come in my life. Imagining myself growing old…let alone happy…doesn’t feel possible. I worry A LOT about the future. Financial security. Being alone. Having a home (as I just lost another one). Memoeies flooding back through my mind of what I’ve lost and failed love and failed intimate relationships. Most of all the regret about straining the relationship with my kids. The poor ways I treated their mom. So…EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN’ DAY I go through this. Not all day and all night but at least once for a few hours.
I’ve learned this is not uncommon apparently. That with time (who knows exactly how long…6 months to 2 years) it will eventually go away as long as I work my recovery and stay sober. That eventually my life will get better. That eventually I can forgive myself as I actively change my life. That eventually my life will grow into something vastly different. Vastly better, than what it is now. Only if I’m sober. Only if I work my recovery day by day.
Does this sound familiar to anyone out there? Is anyone else struggling with this? Does anyone have any advice on what to do about it that you’ve personally benefitted from?