Life is not easy

I’ve been sober for almost 4 months now and life has gotten better and I’m able to see the promises coming true in my life. I’m still depressed, sad and angry at times and I sometimes hate my life. Today for example, I got angry and overreacted on a situation with my wife and I thought about just giving up. Its hard to stay sober when it feels like things are not going my way, when life is being unfair and I’m being misunderstood by loved ones who are not like me. It sucks :frowning:


It’s not easy, sorry. Everyone has baggage and everybody has issues. Best dealt with a clear mind - at least that works best for me.


Yes you’re right but learning how to deal with issues sober is new to me so it’s not easy

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The good news is there is no rush.

I feel the same. Good advice

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Have you seen this Vernee?


I know what you are talking about, I am sober for about 4 months as well and I don’t like the person that I am, as he has been defined while being alcoholic. I am going to AA meetings, but I see a psychotherapist weekly as well.

On top of all that, I am on antidepressors.

It works for me. I’ve never felt better in my life and I am 40 years old. Quitting drinking has been hard but the best decision ever I have made in my life.

Courage! And if feel alone, depressed or lost, don’t hesitate to message me.

Ief, a happy, not drinking alcoholic


In IOP yesterday the therapist said that we become selfish people when we drink and drug. She told us we act like spoiled entitled children in addiction and recovery and I thought to myself that is exactly me. I get pissed off all the time when I can’t have things, people don’t do what I want, and things get out of my control. I have been learning to step back and take a look at what I’m doing and change it because we only have the power to change ourselves. Take it easy on your wife, I also took out everything on my husband and kids and I now see the hurt I have done to them. I will now be trying to right all the wrongs I’ve done to them and it takes time. Don’t hate your life because you are important to people. :wink:


We don’t get pissed off when a newborn can’t run, let alone walk. Same goes for most of us addicts and alcoholics. They say you stop maturing and growing when you pick up, hell that puts me at 19 then because I’m almost 2 years sober and I started when I was 17, so while I expect more of my sobriety and life in general, I still have to remind myself that I have to give myself patience and patience for those around me as well. I acted a certain way for a long time, my drunkenness affected more than just me, they gotta grow too.

Life is about taking the good with the bad pal, day by day you’ll get to where you wanna be.


i keep a gratitude list in my journal. its done wonders for helping shift my perspective. keep at it :slight_smile:

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If you go to meetings they will help ,wish you well

Not easy. Hard as F at times.
I find making a plan helps. Like today I feel incredibly unstable mentally which can also lead me to wanting to get that high. I am going to give myself self care and Uber to my therapist there and back. I usually travel on an ION train and it’s actually lovely. Today I don’t have the strength to combat both my urges and deal with this hypervilgence I am experiencing. I can feel my body trembling. I am aware of when I can’t and I don’t push myself into situation where I may relapse.

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Do you do that everyday?

most days yea. only takes a minute

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