I hope this is allowed. This is a comedian that does this thing where he stands in grocery stores and liquor aisles. He announces that he’s sober and insinuates that the people have a drinking problem. And then when they say no, they just have a backyard barbecue, he says yeah denial was a huge part of my recovery. I hope this is allowed and maybe someone will get a smile. https://youtu.be/ft_xGpFFjSw?si=PuoNy4-Ou6sKl4sn
Dunno man, content creators who make a nuisance of themselves in public for views and clout are a pet peeve of mine. Life’s hard enough without some dude with a camera judging your weekly shop.
I totally agree about taping people in public for views and money! And he does totally interrupt people shopping. My bad.
But I like when he says, do you got a dollar? And when they say no, he hands them one that says everyone should have a dollar.