Long Stretches then Long Fails

I’ve had some extremely long stretches where I did not consume any alcohol. I know that I am not a normal drinker, mostly because I do not want to drink like normal people. I know this from my time in AA. I felt like AA was good for me, but there was always something missing. Anyway, I’m on day 2 again and feeling pretty well.


Welcome, glad you are trying again! Day 2 is good, keep them adding up!


Have you tried Jason Vale ‘kick the drink easily’ book? Been recommended to me on a few forums now and I quite like it … a little different to A.A. though so not sure if it would be for everyone - :crossed_fingers::pray::+1:


Welcome! Are you still going to AA?
Any idea what you can change to avert a relapse?

Congratulations on day two again! Day two again is so much better than never having day two at all.

Glad you’re feeling well so far and I hope this time around you find what will keep you sober for good.

Good luck, you got this!!


Maybe try AA again give it chance worked for me wish you well

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If it worked before it can work again. Just because we fall doesn’t mean we should give up giving up. It can be hard to maintain but if this is what you want, you’ll put the work in.

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