Looking for friends. Lonely and relapsed 💔

That is a giant red flag and start of a harrasment. In my opinion, asking for pictures is harrasment. We are here to support each other. You can share pictures if you feel comfortable, but has to be your decision, in your comfort zone and when you feel like it.

I am here to chat whenever you like. Just pm me. You are not alone and 24 days is not easy. You can do it. Hang in there.

Much love and big hugs.


Unfortunately this type of behaviour is discouraging and disgusting but also rare on here.
The fact you have come back here after a relapse is amazing! Keep posting and staying in touch, there is more people here for the right reasons and are willing to give you support!

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Ok. This comment did actually make me laugh out loud… :grin:


… feet ones too?


1 million percent. @Shellshockk This forum doesn’t need those kind of people here trying to prey on vulnerable people. Please do not put up with that. There are plenty of great people on here.


Tell him I will will totally send him some pics of my boobs. My man boobs


What so you met someone here as a friend that asked you for pictures and sexual questions.Strange wouldn’t think that would happen here, I mean especially recovering. Take it one day at a time, you got this


Totally everything @Jane.c said.


@Englishd, you may break a record for the number of “likes” to a post with that one! :grin:


You got to day 24 and you came back. Both of those are good. I get not wanting to negatively impact another person’s journey, but I agree with other people that said person should be reported. Their journey isn’t more important than any one elses’ and if they’re messaging you in such a way then they’re definitely messaging others. How many people could this person be negatively impacting? They’re responsible for their actions and if they’re being inappropriate then they need to understand that there are consequences for that. Everyone coming to this site/app should have the right to feel like they’re in a safe spot where they can help manage their addictions. Such a person doesn’t add anything like that to a community like this. You are not negatively impacting that person’s progress by reporting them, they are negatively impacting their own progress by being inappropriate with others. By reporting them you are showing that you won’t be treated in that manner. It’s important to know that you’re important too and to stand up for yourself.

I’m glad you came back. You’re going to get past 24 days this next time. I know it. You can do it.


Hope you had a good weekend… unfortunately some people are just dirt bags and will troll… and do whatever it takes to benefit themselves and achieve whatever intentions they have. Glad you didnt fall for his schangians I just hope that no one else does either… now let’s get back on track get your sober number back where you left off!!! Stay strong you got this!!!