Lost it, I'm an idiot

Ugh, right? What a merry go round and not a fun one. Why do we keep doing that to ourselves for so long? It doesn’t make us an idiot or a hypocrite or bad or wrong when we stumble…it does make us human. :people_hugging: The path to long term sobriety is not always linear for everyone. Sure thing some people decide to stop and poof they are done, but for many of us there are starts and stops along the way. Either way it is normal and we are making progress.

I tend to long winded replies to people and offering up advise (often when not asked…working on that!!)…one of the things I have learned about myself is that when I am writing stuff here, it helps me make sense of all this as well. I am writing not just to you but to help me as well. :people_hugging: It is for the collective us. :people_hugging: Maybe that is your process as well?

And we don’t have to be perfect in recovery to know stuff and share stuff. We are all worthy and valued no matter where we are in our lives and journey.

Glad you shared your truth. And hope this helps inspire you further into sobriety. Be gentle with your self…we grow with love, not guilt…at least that is what I believe.

Also, there is an opt in Category called Seeking Help where members can post if needed and where posts get moved to if someone posts while under the influence. We have often had people post there after one drink and it has helped them pour it out and move on from there. Always good to know all options available.



Yeah I think I realized that a while ago, that my long winded advice is just as much me trying to tell it to myself. It’s easy to know something but not act on your own good sense. Anyway, I feel fine today, halfway human. Man, those first couple days really make me feel like a swamp gremlin crawling out of the mud “give us the bottle precious” kind of thing. I really appreciate all the help from everyone.

Today will be a better day. And, it’s warm and sunny, my favorite thing. Might go for a walk even.


How are you doing today @FoxMcCloud ?

All the hangover, drinking anxiety stuff is gone. Well, most of it. I woke up with a horrible stomach ache, not the usual nausea/cramping/vomiting bile like I get from drinking. But almost like I ate too much like I’ve got a boulder sitting on my gut. It’s not unbearable but I always freak out with little things now, thinking stuff like “oh hell what organ finally decided to give up bec. of the drinking?”. I’m sure I’ll be fine, otherwise I feel just fine. So I’m just laying down hoping it goes away soon. Probably will. I felt fine yesterday.

Anyway thanks for checking up on me though I appreciate that.


I freaked out about aches and pains in early sobriety as well. Took me four months to work up the courage to schedule a long overdue physical. I was so relieved after that was done and my bloodwork was normal. Keep on fighting one day at a time.

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Sorry to hear about your pain. Make yourself some tea and try a little light meal. A hot water bottle can help to relax. Hope you soon feel better.
Share and vent here, we understand that you are worried. See a doctor if it doesn’t get better. Sending you good vibes.

Thank you, I’m feeling great today though. But I’ve got to start watching what I eat. Looked in the mirror this morning and realized I’ve gained a few pounds over the past couple weeks. When I’m drinking real heavily I typically don’t eat much if at all, but cutting down and having that extra money for snacks is almost a double edged sword. I suppose one edge is definitely the lesser evil.

I’m sitting outside drinking coffee and enjoying the beautiful weather today. Even though this morning I had to hunt down my table, chair and favorite coffee cup that I left outside last night. We had some batshit crazy weather and tornado warnings here last night. We didn’t get the worst of it though, further south of us some little towns are just gone.