Made a week

So glad that i finally made 7 days sober no alcohol. Feel kinda weird still am still sweating nonstop sometimes am still getting nitemares & cant sleep still but little by little body has to get used to not having a alcohol in the system especially since i was a heavy drinker started out when i was 20 lost so many gd jobs due to alcohol. I was going in late to work or i would get to work on time but still drunk or smelling like alcohol. But i left that bad habit behind for the moment i wanna go for 3months sober & den for 6 months sober baby steps :blush::thinking::sleepy::confounded::anguished:


Also 7 days, felt good to get through the Holidays for first time sober. Keep it up!!!

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I know now to get through new years eve am probably just gonna stay in my house by myself so i dnt get temper to drink since every1 i noe always drink on new years eve


Why stay home on NYE? Find sober buddies. Learn how to have a good time without drinking


The problem is that i dnt noe one that is sober & since i just started working after being a month without a job dnt have time to go to aa meeting & meet ppl since i got two jobs one in the morning & another in the afternoon to do something with my free time & catch up on my bills lucky am off on nye

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7 days today for me too :v:
Keep up the good work!!


I’m sure there will be one NYE. Find one